La vidéo domine le paysage du marketing de contenu de nos jours. Selon Ahrefs, des milliers de personnes recherchent chaque mois les termes « marketing vidéo », « faire une vidéo », « publicités vidéo sur Facebook », et les chiffres augmentent avec le temps. Mais est-ce vraiment en train de remodeler le paysage du marketing de contenu ? À quoi devons-nous nous attendre en 2018 en termes de marketing vidéo ?
Nous avons demandé à 87 experts de partager leurs prédictions sur l'état du marketing vidéo en 2018 . Sur la base de leurs réponses, il existe 9 grandes tendances du marketing vidéo auxquelles nous devrions nous attendre au cours de l'année à venir. Lisez la suite pour découvrir ce que les experts ont dit.
- Tendance 1. La vidéo devient incontournable pour toute stratégie de contenu
- Tendance 2. La vidéo va continuer à se développer
- Tendance 3. Les vidéos sociales deviennent de plus en plus populaires
- Tendance 4. La réalité virtuelle va commencer à remodeler le marketing de contenu
- Tendance 5. Il est plus facile que jamais de créer des vidéos de qualité
- Tendance 6. La tendance est aux vidéos courtes, percutantes et engageantes
- Tendance 7. Les vidéos personnalisées continueront d'augmenter
- Tendance 8. La vidéo continuera de faire partie d'une stratégie de marketing de contenu plus large
- Tendance 9. La vidéo en direct occupera une place plus importante dans le marketing de contenu
Tendance 1. La vidéo devient incontournable pour toute stratégie de contenu
La vidéo représentera bientôt la grande majorité du trafic des consommateurs sur Internet. Vous ne pouvez plus supposer que les gens commenceront leur recherche de vos biens et services et Google et vous ne pouvez plus supposer qu'ils voudront consommer du contenu écrit (court ou long).

Adel de Meyer
Spécialiste des nouveaux médias, ambassadrice de la marque, auteure et mentor
Il ne fait aucun doute que le marketing vidéo est la saveur actuelle du mois, avec des rapports suggérant que plus de la moitié des spécialistes du marketing en ligne prévoient d'utiliser davantage le format au cours de l'année à venir. Quelles sont les raisons de cet énorme buzz ?
1) Le marketing vidéo réussit. Les recherches suggèrent que plus de 80% de ceux qui ont essayé la vidéo disent qu'elle montre un retour appréciable. Il s'agit d'une statistique saisissante dans le domaine souvent nébuleux et difficile à mesurer du marketing.
2) Il existe un immense public potentiel. Environ 45 % des internautes regardent une heure ou plus de vidéo chaque jour, et Facebook génère à lui seul environ 8 milliards de vues par jour. C'est un énorme marché sur lequel les entreprises puisent et le feront encore plus en 2018.
3) La vidéo ouvre de nouveaux canaux d'exposition. YouTube est le moyen le plus évident de publier vos efforts, mais les vidéos sont également largement partagées sur les réseaux sociaux. Faites-le correctement et votre message peut se propager à des endroits que le texte ou les images statiques n'atteindront jamais. Selon YouTube, la consommation de vidéos mobiles augmente de 100 % chaque année.
4) La vidéo peut également toucher un autre type d'audience . Tout comme certaines personnes préfèrent consommer l'information en lisant, d'autres réagissent plus facilement aux messages visuels. La vidéo permet à un spécialiste du marketing de couvrir les deux bases. On estime que 92% des personnes qui consomment des vidéos mobiles les partagent avec d'autres personnes. Il s'agit d'une part massive et supérieure au taux de partage de nombreux autres types de contenu.
5) La vidéo est polyvalente. Un logiciel de montage de bureau signifie que les mêmes séquences peuvent être utilisées pour produire des vidéos complètes, de courts clips pour les médias sociaux ou des teasers d'introduction pour les e-mails. La vidéo devrait représenter plus de 80 % de l'ensemble du trafic Web d'ici 2019.
6) La vidéo génère des ventes. Les recherches de Google suggèrent que près de la moitié des internautes réguliers incluent la vidéo dans leurs recherches lors de leurs achats en ligne. La vidéo est également encore fraîche, surmontant en grande partie les problèmes de cécité publicitaire et d'autres obstacles à la diffusion de votre message auprès d'audiences en ligne blasées.
Source :HubSpot .
7) La vidéo donne une touche humaine à une entreprise. Révéler les personnes derrière la marque devient de plus en plus important sur le marché numérique sans visage d'aujourd'hui, où les méga-marques sont souvent accueillies avec méfiance. Le marketing vidéo est un moyen incroyable de créer du contenu personnel et qui a un impact réel sur votre public. Il a une capacité incomparable à créer des ventes axées sur l'émotion - et les ventes sont toujours personnelles à un certain niveau.
Il y a de solides raisons derrière la popularité actuelle du marketing vidéo, et il est peu probable qu'il quitte la scène de si tôt. Bien qu'elle ne convienne pas nécessairement parfaitement à toutes les entreprises, la multitude d'opportunités qu'elle offre, combinée à sa faible barrière à l'entrée, signifie que la vidéo est une option que vous ne pouvez pas vous permettre de négliger. Les tendances en 2018 seront les mêmes qu'aujourd'hui mais à plus grande échelle !
Adel de Meyer est un spécialiste des nouveaux médias, un ambassadeur de marque, un auteur et un mentor avec une expertise ciblée dans l'utilisation de Twitter et d'Instagram pour les entreprises. Elle a un blog de marketing numérique parmi les plus cotés et Adel est reconnu comme l'un des principaux influenceurs Instagram et Twitter sur les médias sociaux et les affaires en Australie. Elle écrit régulièrement des articles et prend la parole lors d'événements locaux sur le marketing d'influence, la technologie et les solutions de médias sociaux. Elle adore le café et les esprits créatifs !

Andrea Fryrear
Président et formateur principal d'AgileSherpas
Dans les années à venir, nous commencerons à voir "bien devant la caméra" comme une autre qualification pour de nombreux rôles de marketing de contenu. Alors que la vidéo devient un élément incontournable de la stratégie de contenu de chacun , ceux qui peuvent contribuer à plusieurs types de médias seront de plus en plus demandés. Qu'il s'agisse d'être à l'aise, de partager des mises à jour rapides en direct sur les réseaux sociaux ou de développer un œil sur les bons lieux de tournage lors d'un événement en personne, les professionnels du contenu devront intégrer le marketing vidéo à leurs compétences.
Andrea Fryrear est présidente et formatrice principale d'AgileSherpas, où elle aide les équipes marketing à transformer le chaos en calme en appliquant des outils et des pratiques Agiles. Elle est également l'auteur de Death of a Marketer et une conférencière internationale recherchée.

Dr. Kay vert
Le PDG/consultant principal en marketing d'EDesign Consulting Ltd
En 2018, les entreprises adopteront plus que la simple vidéo ; ils adopteront une stratégie de marketing vidéo… c'est-à-dire comment commercialiser stratégiquement la vidéo auprès des consommateurs.
En 2018, le marketing vidéo deviendra une compétence professionnelle incontournable. Animoto a mené cette année une enquête auprès de plus de 1 000 spécialistes du marketing professionnels et de 1 000 propriétaires de petites et moyennes entreprises. Les répondants ont déclaré qu'ils considéraient les compétences en marketing vidéo comme une compétence plus souhaitable pour leur équipe au cours des 12 prochains mois par rapport au courrier électronique, à la conception et à la rédaction. matériel promotionnel. (Prévisions vidéo sociales 2016 d'Animoto)
Source :Animoto
En 2018, 50 % de votre mélange de contenu devrait être du texte et de la vidéo. Vous devez vous adapter à ce que vos consommateurs regardent.
En 2018, les téléchargements de vidéos professionnelles sur Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter vont tripler.
Le Dr Kay Green est le PDG/consultant principal en marketing d'EDesign Consulting Ltd (anciennement RKG Marketing Inc.). Elle a obtenu un doctorat en administration des affaires en marketing et a suivi des cours de doctorat en leadership et changement organisationnel. Elle détient également une maîtrise en administration des affaires en marketing et gestion, un baccalauréat en administration des affaires en marketing et un associé ès arts en gestion du marketing. Elle est affiliée à plusieurs universités prestigieuses et a enseigné plus de 350 cours en ligne. Conférencier populaire sur les sujets du marketing et des affaires, le Dr Green est actuellement présenté sur Great Women Speakers, Great African-American Speakers, Marketing Experts, Black Experts, Guru.com et Savor the Success.

Georgi Todorov
Marketeur numérique
C'est presque un cliché maintenant de dire que nous sommes dans une société en évolution rapide, mais la vérité est que notre besoin d'informations à fournir rapidement et clairement augmentera tout au long de 2018.
L'introduction de la lecture automatique sur Facebook, YouTube et LinkedIn a donné lieu à la préférence des sous-titres car les gens ne veulent tout simplement pas utiliser leur temps pour brancher des écouteurs afin de ne pas déranger les gens dans le train, dans le bus ou dans leur espace de travail. 85 % des vidéos sur Facebook sont regardées sans son alors que, traditionnellement, la qualité audio (c'est-à-dire un son bien mélangé, sans problèmes, sifflements, bourdonnements ou interférences) est sans doute l'aspect le plus crucial de ce qui constitue une bonne vidéo.
Maintenant, cet argument a été renversé, et avec la résurgence de la réalité virtuelle, il est logique de supposer que le marketing vidéo redeviendra, presque ironiquement, principalement une expérience visuelle. Il sera très probablement nécessaire de produire deux vidéos par élément de marketing de contenu.
Premièrement, la vidéo deviendra une partie intrinsèque de toute page du site Web de toute entreprise/marque sérieuse , car le désir de passer du temps à lire plusieurs pages d'informations, des puces, des tableaux et des articles de blog auto-promus diminuera - ces vidéos seront riches en contenu car les téléspectateurs atterriront sur des sites Web pour en savoir plus.
Dans l'état actuel des choses, cependant, les vidéos les plus réussies sont celles qui sont partagées, et avec plus de la moitié de toutes les navigations en ligne effectuées sur un appareil mobile, cela signifiera plus de marketing vidéo optimisé pour le partage mobile - produit ou produit plus court, ayant un impact visuel. démos de service facilement transmises via Whatsapp, Facebook ou Twitter.
Georgi Todorov est un spécialiste du marketing numérique. Il est propriétaire de DigitalNovas et partenaire de FortuneLords. Sa passion est d'aider les débutants à démarrer et à développer une entreprise en ligne prospère. Contactez-le sur Linkedin ou Twitter @GeorgiTodorovBG à tout moment.

Jérôme Perrin
Fondateur de Jay-Webmarketing.com
Une prévision de Cisco a montré que 80 % du contenu en ligne sera principalement composé de vidéo d'ici 2019. Il y a 2 ans, cette société a noté que 70 % du trafic Internet était composé de contenu vidéo avec l'attente d'une croissance quadruplée d'ici 2020.
Pourquoi une telle tendance ?
Parce que la vidéo est la forme de contenu la plus persuasive . Pensez à toutes les fois où vous êtes allé au cinéma et combien de fois vous avez pleuré en regardant un film (quelque chose qui n'est même pas réel !) – simplement parce que vous avez été pris par un scénario émouvant et efficace :par une histoire qui a pris le contrôle total de votre cerveau et de vos émotions. Les vidéos contiennent une intensité d'émotion plus élevée et une attention de plus longue durée. Plus que des mots. Et l'émotion et l'attention sont les deux éléments les plus importants de la persuasion.
Ainsi, combinées à des mots percutants, les images peuvent vraiment faire la différence.
Pour certains sujets complexes, les vidéos sont même le type de marketing de contenu le plus efficace pour fournir du contexte, des explications et des contenus. Pour faire simple. Laissez-vous inspirer par cette vidéo exemplaire.
Les vidéos ne se contentent pas d'attirer l'attention de votre public cible. Ils obtiennent un engagement social plus élevé et conduisent à plus de conversions. 92 % des consommateurs de vidéos mobiles partagent des vidéos avec d'autres. Un exemple :500 millions de personnes sur Facebook regardent des vidéos chaque jour. Et le contenu vidéo est facile à consommer. Vous pouvez maintenant poser la question suivante :"pourquoi cette tendance émerge-t-elle seulement maintenant ?". Eh bien, l'art du cinéma n'était accessible qu'à quelques privilégiés, jusqu'à une période récente.
Les choses ont changé. Avec l'ère numérique et l'émergence de nouvelles technologies révolutionnaires, tout le monde peut désormais produire un bon film. Un scénario, un smartphone, un micro… et le tour est joué.
Alors, ma réponse à la question initiale ?
Et bien en 2018 ce sera massif 🙂 Mon conseil ? Il sera très difficile de se démarquer de la foule. Alors, soyez différent. C'est la meilleure chance d'être vu.
Jérôme Perrin est le fondateur de Jay-Webmarketing.com. Il aide les PDG, les propriétaires d'entreprise et les décideurs à développer leur entreprise grâce à des stratégies de marketing numérique de pointe.

Louie Luc
Blogueur, podcasteur
À l'heure actuelle, il ne devrait pas être surprenant que la vidéo en ligne ait (et continue) de croître rapidement.
Les statistiques de marketing vidéo expliquent pourquoi :les vidéos attirent 300 % de trafic en plus que tout autre type de contenu, représenteront bientôt la grande majorité du trafic des consommateurs sur Internet, obtiendront plus de conversions selon un pourcentage élevé de spécialistes du marketing et une étude d'eMarketer indique que les dépenses publicitaires vidéo vont augmenter de manière exponentielle au cours des prochaines années .
Et, comme les spectateurs interagissent et s'attachent à un niveau beaucoup plus profond aux messages ou aux histoires représentés sur les vidéos, ils ont également un niveau de partage plus élevé.
Des formes de contenu encore plus "traditionnelles" comme les articles de blog ou l'audio se tournent vers la vidéo :les blogueurs, les affiliés et les spécialistes du marketing numérique utilisent des vidéos pour présenter leur personnalité et qui ils sont, créent des tutoriels expliquant comment utiliser l'outil A ou comment aborder le marketing numérique. stratégie B; les podcasteurs restructurent leurs calendriers éditoriaux afin d'inclure des versions vidéo de leurs émissions et bien plus encore.
Outre tous ces chiffres passionnants, il existe d'autres mouvements en coulisses qui prouvent également mon point de vue :Facebook a commencé à intégrer la vidéo sur sa plate-forme pour essayer de concurrencer YouTube et Amazon a récemment annoncé qu'il était prêt à faire de même.
Cela étant dit, la tendance pour 2018 et les années à venir semble claire. Les entreprises saisiront cette « opportunité vidéo en or » pour différencier leurs marques de leurs concurrents ; il y aura plus de vidéos captivantes et narratives que les entreprises utiliseront pour accroître leur visibilité, leur engagement auprès de leurs clients et, en fin de compte, augmenter leurs ventes .
Louie Luc aime essayer et expérimenter des modèles commerciaux et des idées en ligne, des stratégies de marketing numérique et des hacks de croissance tout en documentant publiquement ses progrès (y compris ses échecs) sur son blog et son podcast.

Ronald Dod
Le PDG de Visiture, une agence de marketing de moteur de recherche de commerce électronique
Dans l'industrie du référencement, le taux de rebond est important. La vidéo aide à garder les utilisateurs sur les pages Web plus longtemps, ce qui permet aux utilisateurs de rester plus longtemps et aide ce signal de classement Google. À l'époque, de nombreuses personnes pensaient que la vidéo aidait au référencement, mais ne savaient pas exactement. Maintenant, nous le savons, car les vidéos aident les utilisateurs à rester plus longtemps sur la page, envoyant un signal fort à Google :c'est une bonne page . Cela peut très bien fonctionner pour le commerce électronique avec des vidéos de produits vivant sur les pages de produits. Je pense que nous verrons un budget plus important consacré au contenu vidéo et que nous pourrons le justifier en avantages SEO.
Ronald Dod est le PDG de Visiture, une agence de marketing de moteur de recherche de commerce électronique. Visiture vise à aider les entreprises de commerce électronique à se connecter aux consommateurs qui les recherchent en ligne à l'aide de moteurs tels que Google, Bing, Yahoo et Amazon.

Steve Chou
Gère le célèbre blog MyWifeQuitHerJob.com
Je ne diffuserai même pas une publicité en haut de l'entonnoir sur Facebook à moins qu'elle ne contienne une vidéo convaincante. La vidéo est tellement plus efficace pour transmettre la proposition de valeur unique d'un produit qu'une simple photo. En 2018, je m'attendrais à voir la majorité des spécialistes du marketing passer à 100 % de vidéos.
Steve Chou dirige le blog populaire MyWifeQuitHerJob.com où enseigne aux autres comment vendre des produits physiques en ligne

Tim Hughes
Le Social Selling le plus influent au monde
La vidéo est indispensable , vous ne pouvez plus présumer que les internautes commenceront à rechercher vos produits et services et Google et vous ne pouvez plus présumer qu'ils voudront consommer du contenu écrit (court ou long).
Tim Hughes est universellement reconnu comme l'un des principaux pionniers et représentants mondiaux de la vente sociale et il est actuellement classé numéro 1 en tant que personne la plus influente de la vente sociale au monde.
Tendance 2. La vidéo va continuer à se développer
La consommation vidéo a connu une croissance exponentielle et poursuivra son incroyable courbe de croissance en 2018.

Michael Stelzner
Fondateur de Social Media Examiner
La vidéo jouera un rôle énorme dans le marketing des médias sociaux en 2018. Les histoires vidéo courtes deviendront un moyen important pour les entreprises d'humaniser leurs marques. La vidéo en direct aidera les entreprises à développer des communautés plus engagées. Les annonces vidéo domineront également.
Michael Stelzner est le fondateur de Social Media Examiner

Ben H. Rome
Écrivain de marketing et de jeu plusieurs fois primé.
La vidéo continuera d'augmenter en tant que support principal de contenu. En mettant l'accent sur une narration de qualité et des messages courts et pointus, le marketing vidéo obligera les canaux de médias sociaux à adapter davantage leur UI/UX afin de trouver le bon équilibre entre la vidéo projetée et la messagerie augmentée.
La vidéo est sur le fil du rasoir, avec le potentiel de simplement submerger le public avec un bruit multicanal ou d'améliorer le public avec un contenu dirigé personnalisé à portée de main.
Ben H. Rome est un auteur de jeux et de marketing maintes fois primé.

Dom Wells
Le propriétaire de Humanproofdesigns.com
La vidéo joue actuellement un rôle énorme dans notre stratégie marketing. Nous avons découvert que le bon type de vidéo peut rapporter gros . Il est clair que notre public réagit bien au contenu vidéo. Cependant, nous avons également constaté qu'il existe une "mauvaise" vidéo qui nuit réellement à notre marketing.
En 2018, le marketing vidéo continuera sans aucun doute de croître à un rythme rapide. En dehors de cela, les stratégies de marketing vidéo deviendront beaucoup plus raffinées et se connecteront mieux avec le public.
De plus en plus d'entreprises créent du contenu marketing vidéo. Celles qui réussissent savent exactement comment se différencier, faire passer leur message et captiver leur audience.
Dom Wells est le propriétaire de Humanproofdesigns.com, un leader du marché des services de sites affiliés Done For You et de la formation pour les débutants et les experts.

Nirav Dave
Directeur technique et cofondateur de Capsicum Mediaworks
Si une image vaut mille mots, alors une vidéo n'a pas de prix", cette citation explique pleinement l'impact que le marketing vidéo peut avoir sur votre entreprise.
Les vidéos, en particulier les vidéos explicatives, vous aident à créer un contenu attrayant qui vous connecte instantanément avec vos clients. De plus, avec l'évolution constante de la technologie, les clients d'aujourd'hui préfèrent regarder une vidéo explicative à leur guise plutôt que de lire un contenu d'une page entière.
Et la raison de sa popularité est assez simple :
- Les vidéos sont plus facilement accessibles, grâce à la disponibilité aisée de la connectivité Wi-Fi et 4G.
- Il fournit une stimulation auditive et visuelle qui précède la lecture d'un texte.
- Enfin, il a plus de potentiel de devenir viral ou d'être partagé sur les réseaux sociaux que le contenu écrit.
De plus, si vous deviez regarder les dernières statistiques de marketing numérique, vous remarquerez que le taux de conversion via le marketing vidéo est beaucoup plus élevé que tout autre média.
Une vidéo informative, non seulement crée plus de buzz et génère plus de mais cela renforce également la confiance des clients à propos de votre produit ou service et, en tant que tel, il s'agit d'une tendance de marketing numérique dans laquelle vous devez investir car elle ne fera que continuer à croître dans les années à venir.
Nirav Dave est directeur technique et cofondateur de Capsicum Mediaworks, une agence numérique basée à Mumbai, en Inde.
Frithjof Petscheleit
Strategiste des médias numériques
Au cours de mes 7 ans et plus dans le domaine du marketing de contenu, j'ai vu des prédictions d'experts sur l'essor de la vidéo chaque année, au point que cela devient une blague. Les avancées technologiques nous ont tous donné la possibilité de consommer et de créer des vidéos de haute qualité. 2017 est certainement l'année de la vidéo en direct. Autant que je sache, la prochaine étape sera, espérons-le, d'utiliser du contenu créé - des commentaires par vidéo par exemple. Mon espoir pour 2018 est une tendance à la vidéo 1:1 :des vidéos créées pour un client à la fois et livrées sans friction.
Frithjof Petscheleit est stratège en médias numériques, coach, community manager et PDG de BlueBird Business Consulting. Blogueur, podcasteur, créateur de contenu et enseignant passionné.
Jacob Warwick
Le fondateur de ThinkWarwick Communications
Le marketing vidéo continuera d'augmenter en 2018 , d'autant plus que de plus en plus de réseaux sociaux soutiennent la pratique et que de plus en plus de marques commencent à expérimenter.
Cela augmentera sans aucun doute la quantité d'encombrement ou de "bruit" de marketing vidéo que les spécialistes du marketing devront parcourir pour réussir.
Par conséquent, les organisations qui se concentrent sur la création vidéo de haute qualité, la narration de marque et la collaboration avec des créateurs de contenu vidéo influents commenceront à se différencier de la masse et à élever les normes de l'industrie.
Jacob Warwick est le fondateur de ThinkWarwick Communications, une société de stratégie de marque et de marketing de performance spécialisée dans la stratégie de marketing de contenu et les relations publiques pour les dirigeants d'entreprise et les organisations en croissance.
Steven Macdonald
Un spécialiste du marketing en ligne
Steven Macd0nald
L'avenir du contenu est la vidéo.
Cette tendance actuelle continuera de dominer au cours des 12 à 18 prochains mois et d'ici 2019, 80 % de tout le contenu consommé en ligne se fera par vidéo (Source :Cisco Visual Networking Index). Cela signifie qu'au lieu de commercialiser via des articles et des articles de blog, les spécialistes du marketing feront passer leur production de contenu du texte à la vidéo afin de rester pertinent et d'offrir de la valeur .
Chez SuperOffice, nous avons déplacé beaucoup de contenu du texte vers la vidéo au cours des 12 derniers mois afin de pouvoir collecter des données sur la façon dont notre public réagit au contenu vidéo. Nous avons utilisé leur réponse et les données pour améliorer le nouveau contenu vidéo, ce qui nous a permis de passer de 0 vue à 110 000 vues.
Steven Macdonald est un spécialiste du marketing en ligne basé à Tallinn, en Estonie.
Julie Revelant
Le propriétaire de Revelant Writing, LLC
Je pense que le marketing vidéo continuera à jouer un rôle plus important dans le marketing de contenu pour toutes les industries. Non seulement les marques produiront des tutoriels, des démonstrations de produits et des études de cas clients, mais elles accorderont une plus grande attention à raconter des histoires qui captivent les téléspectateurs et les maintiennent engagés jusqu'à la toute dernière seconde. L'accent sera mis sur la création de vidéos opportunes et pertinentes , fidéliser et persuader les consommateurs d'agir.
Julie Revelant est propriétaire de Revelant Writing, LLC, un cabinet de conseil entrant qui fournit des services de marketing de contenu, de rédaction et de journalisme de marque pour le secteur de la santé. Julie travaille avec des entreprises de soins de santé du Fortune 500, de grandes entreprises, des hôpitaux et des régimes d'assurance maladie pour créer du contenu attrayant, conclure plus d'affaires et gagner du temps.
Pamela Hyatt
Spécialiste du marketing de contenu chez FITT
Il devient chaque jour plus facile et plus important pour les marques de partager du contenu vidéo. Il existe une pléthore de statistiques pour étayer la demande croissante et les avantages de l'utilisation de la vidéo en termes de notoriété de la marque et de ventes. Ainsi, à l'avenir, vous verrez davantage d'entreprises renforcer leurs capacités de production vidéo et le marketing en interne et l'intégrer dans toutes les formes de communication. Communiqués de presse, démonstrations de produits, création de culture, histoires de marque, campagnes publicitaires, événements, témoignages - tout aura des composants vidéo. Les marques deviennent des producteurs de contenu vidéo parce que ça marche. C'est devenu un outil essentiel dans la boîte à outils de chaque marketeur.
Pamela Hyatt est écrivaine, lectrice, blogueuse, admiratrice de bières artisanales, fan de sport, jardinière débutante, passionnée d'histoire et spécialiste du marketing de contenu au FITT (Forum for International Trade Training).
Katie King
MBA, est directeur de la transformation chez Digital Leadership Associates
Le marketing vidéo poursuivra son incroyable courbe de croissance jusqu'en 2018. Lent à s'adapter, LinkedIn vient de devenir le dernier grand réseau social à ajouter un moyen pour les gens de partager des vidéos de manière native. Ayant remporté le prix de la meilleure campagne vidéo B2B pour Brit Pong, je sais à quel point il est important de ne pas substituer la créativité à la pertinence et aux résultats . 2018 sera l'année des ventes et du marketing stratégiques intégrés appropriés, la vidéo, aux côtés des applications et des analyses intégrées à l'IA, jouant un rôle crucial.
Katie King, MBA, est directrice de la transformation chez Digital Leadership Associates et fondatrice de AI in FM et Zoodikers. Elle est reconnue dans le domaine de la transformation numérique, ayant donné deux présentations TEDx et de nombreuses Keynotes internationales. Elle est également une commentatrice fréquente à la télévision et à la radio de la BBC.
Marcus Miller
Fondateur et directeur général de Bowler Hat
chapeau melon de marcus
J'aimerais avoir une réponse vraiment excitante ici, mais mon instinct est que nous verrons juste plus de vidéo. Vidéo sur les pages de vente. Diffusion vidéo en direct. 360 vidéos. Vidéo VR. Vidéo sur les plateformes sociales. Nous sommes tous fondamentalement paresseux et la vidéo nous permet d'être plus facilement alimentés en informations, de sorte que les connexions de données continuent de s'améliorer, la vidéo continuera de se développer.
Il existe déjà des études montrant comment la vidéo peut améliorer les taux de conversion. Donc, tout ce qu'il faut, c'est quelques personnes entreprenantes de votre secteur pour ajouter une vidéo à leurs pages de destination et vous devrez rattraper votre retard.
Les gens veulent toujours travailler avec des gens, donc la vidéo permet aux gens de vraiment vous connaître d'une manière que même la meilleure copie de vente ne pourrait jamais atteindre.
Je ne vois pas que quoi que ce soit changera radicalement ou du jour au lendemain. Le contenu se présentera toujours sous de nombreuses formes avec des articles écrits, des podcasts et des vidéos, mais la vidéo connaîtra la croissance la plus rapide en 2018.
Marcus Miller est le consultant SEO &PPC de Birmingham, Royaume-Uni. Fondateur et MD de Bowler Hat. Concentré sur l'aide aux petites entreprises pour générer d'importants résultats grâce à leur marketing numérique.
Marc Traphagen
Directeur principal de l'évangélisation de la marque
Une pratique que je pense que nous commencerons à voir d'ici 2018 chez la plupart des leaders du marketing de contenu est ce que j'appelle "la vidéo partout". À mesure que la vidéo devient plus accessible et omniprésente, les consommateurs s'attendront de plus en plus à ce qu'elle soit une option pour consommer n'importe quel contenu n'importe où. That means content producers need to be thinking beyond just video on social media or video on video networks (such as YouTube), and invest the resources to produce a video version of all of their content as at least an option for viewing the content. That means even written blog posts should have an embedded video version .
Mark Traphagen is Senior Director of Brand Evangelism for digital marketing agency Stone Temple. Rand Fishkin named Mark a top five social media expert. He is a contributor to publications such as the Moz Blog, Search Engine Land, and Marketing Land; and is also a regular speaker at major industry conferences.
Vinay Koshy
Digital marketing consultant
Video will continue to play a strong role in content marketing and will take up a larger portion of popular content formats that businesses will invest in.
In fact, Brian Halligan recommends that 50% of your content mix be video . With the rise of live streaming video and increasing use of video on social media channels there seems to be more of a progression in terms of setting expectations with users that video formats are the norm rather than the exception.
Vinay Koshy helps digital marketers and entrepreneurs rapidly grow their authority and traffic with one of a kind in depth content.
Trend 3. Social videos are only getting more and more popular
Facebook Live, Instagram Stories, Twitter video:every major social platform now has an option to share videos with subscribers and followers. Social video is definitely on the rise at the moment and is only getting more popular in 2018.
Mari Smith
Premium Facebook Marketing Expert
Social video marketing will continue to rise and dominant in 2018. Savvy businesses and brands need to incorporate compelling short videos for storytelling to draw in their audiences and better engage them. Plus, we’ll really see an increase in the use of short (around 15 seconds) videos in square and portrait format . These types of videos are optimized for mobile viewing and are ideal for using in Facebook and Instagram video ad breaks.
In April this year, Facebook updated its creative guidelines with a recommendation that brands start swapping out 16:9 aspect ratio landscape video (typically used for television ads) with 1:1 ratio square video, ideal for mobile. Turns out people are 67 percent more likely to watch a square video to completion than they are to watch a horizontal one .
Short videos in landscape format are ideal for Facebook Live ad breaks. Given the fact Facebook is rolling out around a dozen original television quality shows at the end of this summer, we will see an increase in mid-roll ads site-wide. With its video app released earlier this year, Facebook is on a mission to snag ad dollars and viewers’ attention from the big leagues — broadcast television. TV advertising is a $70 billion a year industry and with the cord-cutters and mainstream television view time dropping, there’s a growing trend in digital television, a la YouTube, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu and more. Facebook will soon start appearing on that leaderboard.
Brands need to get into position now with top quality, professional video content.
It’s a really exciting time right now for Facebook. It’s reminiscent of where YouTube was about eight years ago, or so. There is a relatively ground-floor opportunity for smart businesses to get to work creating their own ‘Facebook TV Channel’ and amassing millions of viewers.
Mari Smith is one of the world’s leading social media thought leaders, widely recognized for her Facebook marketing expertise. She is author of The New Relationship Marketing and coauthor of Facebook Marketing:An Hour A Day.
Andrew and Pete
Content marketing duo
Shows are the way forward. Cute little videos are great for one-off engagement but if you really want to grow and build an amazing community then you need to be creating shows with ongoing story lines and themes. The creators who are doing this already are the ones who are growing the quickest. Fast tracking this trend is Facebook Watch – a place for creators to build communities around shows.
Andrew and Pete are the fun content marketing duo who help solopreneurs and small businesses to create insanely shareable content that builds brands people love, through their membership community – ATOMIC.
Donna Moritz
The founder of the award-winning blog Socially Sorted
Brands will realise the importance of being responsive and mobilizing quickly to create quality social video content. This will mean that teams will create more in-house video and use tools that enable more members of their team to create social video quickly and easily.
Donna Moritz is the founder of the award-winning blog Socially Sorted in Queensland, Australia. She helps brands leverage the power of visual storytelling and content strategy in their business and is a keynote speaker in the marketing and tourism industries internationally.
START CREATING ENGAGING VIDEOS WITH WAVE An easy-to-use tool to make videos in-house
Peg Fitzpatrick
An author, social media strategist, and popular blogger
Video is gaining in popularity on all social channels so I feel that it’s going to be a “must” not a choice for marketing projects. Social video is the best way that brand’s can tell their stories in a more entertaining and visual way. Mobile usage is on the rise and people love to watch videos on their smartphones. Staying top of mind is being in people’s hands as they surf the web looking for entertainment or information. Put video at the top of your social media plans for 2018.
Peg Fitzpatrick is an author, social media strategist, and popular blogger writing on her own website and across the web. Peg has spearheaded successful social-media campaigns for Adobe, Motorola, Audi, Google, and Virgin as well as having been a brand ambassador for Kimpton Hotels. Peg co-authored The Art of Social Media:Power Tips for Power Users with Guy Kawasaki. Guy teamed up with Peg as he believes she “is the best social-media person he’s ever met.”
Andrew Davis
Startup advisor
Like this year, video will play a huge role in our Marketing efforts. Facebook will launch a platform to rival YouTube and Netflix, Youtube will strike back with their move and I am sure Amazon and Apple will have something to say as well.
As Marketers, we will feel the pressure to create more videos and of a high quality. However, 4 areas we need to concentrate on are:
a) Telling stories with our videos
b) Making sure the right people see our videos
c) Getting the right people engaged and (digitally) talking about our videos
d) Getting people to take action once they have seen it.
Without a doubt, video will play the most important role in content marketing in 2018.
Andrew Davis shows start ups how to create a marketing strategy in a digital world through strategic training workshops.
Arman Assadi
The co-founder &CEO of ProjectEvo.org
Creating video that is mobile-first will be key. Content creation is only going to increase, and so will the battle for attention. This will actually create an opportunity for authentic, valuable, unique content to stand out.
Arman Assadi is the co-founder &CEO of ProjectEvo.org. Arman helps people uncover their unique craft and create self-directed lives at ArmanAssadi.com — the #1 resource for solopreneurs. He is a contempo philosopher, obsessive world traveler, former Googler, and soccer player.
Daniel Kingsley Daines-Hutt
Retargeting consultant
Complex question.
Everyone has different learning or consumption styles and prefers different media for different times. When we think of video in content marketing, it can be hard not to think of it as high volume, daily video YouTube channel type stuff. I think currently the system is slightly flawed. People produce at volume on YouTube because they are monetised by views, and more videos, of course, mean more views from the same audience.
What about for businesses that want to use video as a content offering with a less is more approach? The major issue has been that although an audience enjoys it, you can’t always fully leverage it (Google couldn’t understand the content, just the meta data etc) and so you would potentially pay a hefty sum for content that would struggle to attract organic traffic… But this is the future we’re talking about. Almost any phone can film in high def and stream directly to your Facebook page to then be downloaded and added to your site 60 minutes later. We’re far more comfortable in front of the camera. Likewise, apps etx for editing are available even on mobile devices. Take into account that google is currently moving towards a new version of search and it starts to make you think…
Is video going to pull ahead?
The entire system is about to be changed- from how they deliver content to users based on previous interactions. Videos on mobile, sending people to other video content could well be the most effective approach. I know that video on mobile works fantastically. That being said, there will still always be the need for those who prefer the written word . You would need to make both… But as the first touch point in a mobile centric generation?
I can’t help but feel that your newsfeed will suddenly become video after video after status update after video… So get those soft lights and start upping your game now 🙂
Daniel Kingsley Daines-Hutt is a self confessed Retargeting Nerd. He teaches people the wonders of retargeting from basic sales to choice architecture and other cool stuff.
Jeff Leo Herrmann
B2B Showrunner and the Founder and President of Madison, Michigan and Market
I am extremely bullish on video marketing in 2018, yet the tyranny of choice reigns. I’m expecting somewhat limited growth, because… the number of platforms we have available to publish video content is both a blessing and a curse . So many marketers are frozen — or just ineffective — because they’re unsure of the best platform to use to house and distribute their content. YouTube, Facebook Live, Instagram, SnapChat are all great options, but if all are embraced the marketer will be diluted and ineffective. Those that pick one, and master it, will win.
Jeff Leo Herrmann is a B2B Showrunner and the Founder and President of Madison, Michigan and Market. We help B2B brand marketers evolve beyond basic lead generation strategies to build loyal audiences through the development of an owned media platform. We’re deeply concerned with the creative, financial and analytical decisions required to support your investment.
Neil Sheth
Online Entrepreneurs advisor
Video has always been one of the biggest areas for businesses to stand out online. That’s not changing in 2018. I do however expect the quality of videos to improve.
Just as all videos are expected to be HD now to keep users engaged, I expect more businesses using animation and motion graphics to make their videos pop online .
Video is also going to be huge on social media. The introduction of Stories on Instagram and an increase in user video content is strong validation. This is what creating quality content now looks like.
Neil Sheth helps Online Entrepreneurs grow their audience online by helping them to get found online and build relationships with customers. He has a FREE 3 Day SEO challenge to help you to get your content found in Google.
Peg Miller
VP of Marketing at Tax Guard
Video enables storytelling at scale. Often the CEO or product lead within a company can tell the story of the product vision better than anyone, but it’s obviously not scalable to have the CEO or product leader on every sales interaction. When companies use video to help expand their story, it’s as if the CEO can have a more personal interaction with every prospect or customer .
Peg Miller is the VP of Marketing at Tax Guard, a fintech company disrupting how commercial lenders conduct due diligence. She is also Co-Founder of the B2B Marketing Academy, where she writes, speaks and helps B2B marketers adopt modern marketing best practices. She has held executive roles at Kapost, Penton (Informa) and Gannett.
Rafi Chowdhury
The founder of Chowdhury’s Digital and co-founder of myCampusHacks
Just look at Facebook. They are doing everything they can to encourage more videos. They now allow and prompt users the option to turn all static photos into a simple slideshow and post it as a video rather than pictures.
People engage way more with videos than with just text or even picture. I would recommend turning your blog posts and infographics into videos. Look at how Quicksprout did this.
These videos are also amazing to share on social media.
At Chowdhury’s Digital, we even offer it as a service. We allow sponsored posts and infographics. I then personally make a video detailing the info within the guest post. It is very effective! 🙂
Rafi Chowdhury is the founder of Chowdhury’s Digital and co-founder of myCampusHacks. Examiner.com calls him the go-to guy for traffic generation. In his free time, Rafi is an advisor to the British Young Asian Entrepreneurs.
Shahnawaz Sadique
Affiliate marketer, product launcher
I see there is a huge scope in video marketing in 2018. We marketers are already using video as our main content for 2 years now. Day by day video marketing is improving. We can see tons of animations, light weight videos that are yet very powerful.
The only major trend I can see that now marketers want to create animated videos with a few clicks. Industry experts already figured that out and now we can see that many tools are available in the market to fulfill our video needs. Video with animated character and sales script can increase your revenue, conversion and sales for sure.
I have been using video as content or sales pitch for more than 2 years now. And my sign up, sales, conversion rates have increased drastically. By using videos you can easily connect with your viewer and warm him/her up to take action.
Shahnawaz Sadique is a affiliate marketer, product launcher and blogger since 2013. He is also very active to create income stream from niche sites.
Syed Irfan Ajmal
Serial entrepreneur, content marketer &PR consultant
Most, if not all, studies point to the increased adoption of video marketing in the coming months and years. HubSpot has suggested that 80% of web traffic will be comprised of Video by 2019, hence we may see more and more of video content.
For instance, we may see brands experimenting with more video formats such as explainer videos, showing off company culture, or the kind of excellent Whiteboard Friday videos that Rand Fishkin and their team put together.
I may not be surprised if more companies start customizing the same video for different platforms . So for instance, the same 30 hour video may be put as it is on YouTube but, divided into 5-7 chunks/episodes for Facebook.
The fact that LinkedIn has started rolling out Video and may soon be launching Live Videos too is a great news; especially at least for some of those companies who didn’t find Facebook or other video platforms to be a sound investment.
I also think that we may get to see more companies moving from creating static infographic to video versions of them with more interesting and engaging data visualizations.
Syed Irfan Ajmal is a serial entrepreneur, content marketer &PR consultant, author, and international speaker. He has bylines in Forbes ME, the World Bank, Business.com, SEMrush, HuffPost and others. His blog has also been cited in Entrepreneur.com, The Next Web, Tech in Asia, etc. He has been speaking and conducted workshops in both Pakistan and Dubai (UAE) since 2013.
Trend 4. Virtual reality will start reshaping content marketing
A significant number of experts believe that virtual reality will enliven video in 2018. With many sicual platforms currently supporting 360-degree videos, this prediction seems quite probable.
Allen Gannett
CEO and founder of TrackMaven
Marketers used to treat video content creation like a High Art. But today, overly polished videos scream inauthenticity. “Shot on iPhone” footage is the new normal. In 2018, my fear is that VR-hype will distract brands from the major opportunity that lies in low-budget but highly authentic video content. Until VR truly makes the leap from irksome to immersive, I’d bet my budget on raw but real videos any day.
Allen Gannett is the CEO and founder of TrackMaven, the marketing analytics platform used by hundreds of the world’s best brands. Allen also serves as a General Partner at Acceleprise Ventures, where he invests in early-stage SaaS companies. Previously he was CEO of Splash Networks. Obsessed with Pumpkin Pie and Corgis, Allen lives in Washington, D.C., and once was a very pitiful runner-up on Wheel of Fortune.
Colin Klinkert
Online business owner, investor, marketer, and entrepreneur
A video, as Mark Robertson aptly puts it, is the swiss knife of internet marketing. It can be used all over the customer lifecycle.
The fact that videos can be used at every stage of customer lifecycle makes it an even more important communication medium. In 2017, content marketing has seen a high adoption of video content with elements of personalization in the form on podcasts and Facebook Live videos. And, with the involvement of technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR), I expect this to go one step further in 2018.
The main reason behind this prediction is the fact that biggies like Google, Facebook (the two biggest content consumption platforms) and Snap Inc (the next big one to join the league) are heavily invested in AR and VR.
With AR and VR coming into the equation, we will see a massive shift in the way people consume content . Keep an eye on Snap Inc as they can be the one to lead this trend.
Colin Klinkert is a full-time online business owner, investor, marketer, and entrepreneur. He has felt 7 figure success from his online marketing ventures. Check him out at Serped and Platform.ly
Jonathan Aufray
Startup consultant, serial entrepreneur
Video marketing will become more and more important in 2018. We’ve already seen a switch the past few years, especially with the rise of live videos on platforms like Periscope or Facebook Live or even SnapChat. I believe Live Videos will become even more important in marketing , especially to build relationships and show the human touch of companies.
In a previous post, I said that 2017 was too early for VR (Virtual Reality). However, I believe VR will start to reshape the content marketing (And video marketing) landscape in 2018. 2017 was just for the first VR adopters but I think VR will start to go mainstream in 2018.
Jonathan Aufray is a traveler and serial entrepreneur who help startups and SMBs from all around the world grow. I help them through growth hacking, inbound marketing, fundraising and product development.
Jordan Kasteler
Freelance consultant, entrepreneur
Augmented reality and virtual reality will start manifest in our lives in many forms whether it’s embedded cameras or wearables. The new ASUS ZeonPhone is a great example of them using AR
Video marketing will continue to be more engaging, and a full 360 experience.
Jordan Kasteler is a freelance consultant, entrepreneur. Passionately innovating status quo. He has a history of entrepreneurship co-founding and serving positions in such companies as BlueGlass Interactive, an Internet marketing agency and SteelCast, a tech incubator housing several other self-started companies. Jordan is also an international conference speaker, blogger, and book author of A to Z:Social Media Marketing.
Kyle Bailey
SEO, Content, Social and Sales Consultant
I believe AI will grow in the space . I don’t think it will dominate in 2018, but it will grow. YouTube will remain the power broker in the online video world, I don’t think that’s a surprise to many. Marketers and small business owners should be hyper-focused on messaging as AI grows. It will be more important than ever.
Kyle Bailey lives and works in Austin, TX, while serving and consulting with clients across the nation in SEO, Content, Social and Sales Consulting. He blogs on frontburnermarketing.net, and speaks often in Austin and Dallas on the above topics. He belongs to the exclusive “Bearded Marketers Group” that he made up.
Neil Patel
The co-founder of Crazy Egg and Hello Bar
With so many people buying virtual reality headsets nowadays, I think it’ll be interesting to see how brands use 360-degree video formats to create immersive experiences . Facebook has even started building cameras specifically made for capturing 360-degree video, with plans for a product release before the end of 2017. For all the talk about the power of mobile-optimized full-screen takeover formats like Canvas ads, Instagram Stories and Snapchat videos, those are super powerful for sure – but nowhere nearly as powerful as 360, where the viewer chooses to disconnect from what’s really going on around them and instead explore and interact with a different place altogether. Coca-Cola did some cool things with YouTube in the early pilot stages of 360 a couple of years ago, but once the tech required to create these clips is available to everyone, I’m sure we’re going to see some really creative use cases.
Neil Patel is the co-founder of Crazy Egg and Hello Bar. He helps companies like Amazon, NBC, GM, HP and Viacom grow their revenue.
Ricky Wolff
Field Marketing Coordinator
In 2018, video marketing will increase in efficiency. As marketing as a whole becomes more interactive, video marketing will naturally play a critical role in your content marketing strategy mix. What really will take off, is 360-degree videos . Many social platforms are currently supporting 360-degree videos and as more people are using virtual reality headsets such as the Oculus, it opens an opportunity for a different type of ads platform. Imagine someone is playing video’s on YouTube or playing games on a VR platform, showing 360-degree videos will be a great way to be innovative in content marketing. However, this is not limited to videos, you can also shoot 360-degree pictures.
Ricky Wolff is a Field Marketing Coordinator for Continental Europe in the IT Sector
Tom Bentley
Content marketing writer and editor
Augmented Reality (AR) will enliven video in 2018 , but the companies that stand out will use the tech to deliver creative punch rather than glitz. Companies that can blend humor and pizazz—perhaps incorporating vintage footage of Salvador Dali, but put him behind the wheel of a Tesla while he’s watching one of his own movies on the car’s screen—will distinguish themselves from companies that merely use different packaging to push product. Maybe Apple can finally give Mark Twain the MacBook he deserves. Onscreen, at least.
Tom Bentley is a content marketing writer and editor, an essayist, and a fiction writer. He’s published hundreds of freelance pieces—ranging from first-person essays to travel pieces to more journalistic subjects—in newspapers, magazines, and online. He would like you to pour him a Manhattan right at five.
Zontee Hou
Founder &president or Media Volery
For 2018, I believe there are three major areas of growth and maturation. First, longer-form original video content on YouTube, Facebook and now Apple’s own platforms continue to expand and capture mindshare . These will be as important go-to sources of content for Millennials and Gen Z, competing with traditional television and streaming platforms like Hulu and Netflix.
Second, we’ve seen brands start to table with 360-degree video for the last year or so, but in 2018, I believe we’ll start seeing content producers get a stronger handle on how to best utilize this medium and turn it into engaging content that goes beyond novelty.
Third, short-form content such as Instagram Stories and Snapchat Stories is going to mature and become better integrated into brands’ campaigns . Beyond just featuring emojis and funny on-screen text, they will become part of the storytelling mechanisms for brands. We’re already seeing clever usage of these short videos with Snapchat influencers, and I think there’s a lot of room for brands to capitalize on the limited-time nature of this content.
Zontee Hou is the founder &president of Brooklyn-based consultancy Media Volery. Her 10+ years of work in the marketing industry has garnered multiple awards including a Forrester Groundswell Award. She teaches at Columbia University and CCNY, and she speaks at events around the U.S.
Trend 5. It is becoming easier than ever to make quality videos
More and more business owners see how cheap and effective video marketing is. With a vast majority of video making tools out there on the market, companies can now produce quality videos at speed and scale.
Adam White
The founder of SEOJet
I think the landscape of video marketing is already changing. As more and more business owners see how cheap and effective video marketing is versus PPC advertising, the trend will continue to grow. We are currently in the process of building out a video marketing campaign that we expect to beat out all other marketing channels within 3 months.
Adam White is the founder of SEOJet, backlink software that helps SEO’s build #1 ranked backlink profiles quickly. He has been an SEO professional for 15 years and even took two years off to write and direct a feature film.
Daniel Glickman
CMO, Roojoom Web Experiences, Inc.
Video creation platforms have reached a level of sophistication and maturity that allows marketers to create and distribute professional-quality videos with little effort. In 2018, we can expect video marketing to become a lot more popular, profitable, and personal. While our ability to connect video production to customer databases on one end, and to a distribution platform on the other end is currently limited to expensive enterprise services, the market is ripe for the addition of these features. The potential benefits of relevant and user-friendly video marketing, to both providers and customers, are obvious:Businesses will benefit from providing personalized videos that match specific stages of the buyer’s journey, and platforms will benefit from charging for added-value services, perhaps switching from a license-based subscription to a volume-based revenue model. Content counts now more than ever, and excellent video storytelling has already begun to overtake traditional text-based messaging models.
Daniel Glickman is the CMO, Roojoom Web Experiences, Inc.
Founder of WPKube
In 2018, the role of video in content marketing will be bigger than ever. With trends leaning more towards native advertising, personalization of video content , and even influencer marketing, video content is going to either make or break your brand when it comes to increased conversions, higher site traffic, and more sales.
In addition, content marketers creating video content are going to need to focus more on the “why” rather than the “what” if they want to captivate audiences and drawn them in for more. People are looking for real reasons to get involved with your company. They are looking for a deeper meaning if you will. Great products, services, and content are all well and good, but why should someone care? If you can nail that in your video marketing, you are sure to be golden this upcoming year.
Dev is the founder of WPKube.
Jacob Cass
Runs the popular design blog, Just Creative
Traditionally, producing videos for advertising has been a costly and time consuming process but with the technology and services available today, it has become much more accessible for smaller businesses. Not only this, but faster internet speeds and computer processing power, means that more people can consume video media. With this in mind, video marketing is gaining fast momentum and should be added to your marketing mix as soon as possible for more brand engagement.
Jacob Cass is a prolific graphic designer who runs the popular design blog, Just Creative, which doubles as his award-winning graphic design &branding firm.
Joe Escobedo
The “Brand Builder” and ranked among the “Top 20 Content Marketers” worldwide
In addition to traditional corporate case study and interview videos, I’d like to see more companies encouraging their audience to develop videos on their behalf . For example, if you’re a beauty brand, you could create a video mashup of beauty tutorials created by the folks that use your products. Share the love by posting their videos on your owned channels. Do that and you’ve created lifelong fans of your brand!
Joe Escobedo is known as the “Brand Builder” and ranked among the “Top 20 Content Marketers” worldwide. Joe has helped countless organizations and executives transform from relative unknowns to superheroes online. He has also created and led successful digital marketing, branding and PR campaigns for everyone from startups to Fortune 500 firms. His articles in Forbes and the HuffPost have been read over 500,000 times. He’s also an award-winning speaker.
Scott Meis
VP of Marketing at Clipper Vacations
While recent trends have pushed for shorter, more concise video content to align with social algorithms and decreased attention span, I think we’ll continue to see brands swing the opposite direction with longer form documentary style filmmaking. As opposed to trying to chip away at a series of 5-6 second videos to quickly grab user attention during a scroll, smart brands will continue to invest time and effort to dig deep within their own company and customer base to surface stories that truly strike an emotional chord. Furthermore, brands will continue to double and triple the distribution dollars necessary to support proper distribution of their video content. This will come in the form of social ads, paid search, influencer promotion, video distribution platforms and for advanced brands, strategic media partnerships. Last year, I invested in creating a powerful mini-documentary called “This Is The Northwest” that highlights our whale watching service here in the Pacific Northwest. The video has largely been responsible for driving sales of this product up 20% in the past year alone with sold out boats nearly every day (200 capacity). Not only do customers love learning about the trip beforehand but the video served to spark internal empowerment and pride from our employees around what Clipper offers to locals and tourists for our whale watching service.
Scott Meis is the VP of Marketing at Clipper Vacations, a Pacific Northwest travel company located in Seattle, WA.
Stephen Twomey
Video marketing, especially as it relates to YouTube marketing will continue to become more advertising based. I was browsing for “web design” videos and sure enough a Wix.com ad popped up with Karlie Kloss. Advertisers are getting smarter and understanding the power of search intent and capitalizing on video marketing in a way that they never have before.
More users are comfortable producing their own professional quality videos , so the average consumer of this content is expecting a bit higher quality production value than even 2 or 3 years ago.
Establishing relationships with other influencers in your space will be important as “audience sharing” or guest vlogging has picked up speed in the last several years and has not showed any sign of slowing down.
To grow as a video marketer, provide value to your audience. Provide value to the person’s vlog that you are appearing on. Keep on giving and building your list. You will get value or “payback” if you are encouraging people to subscribe to your channel, including links to your content and occasionally offering your audience a way to buy something from you. Like Gary V states, “Jab Jab Jab Right Hook.
Stephen Twomey is an Entrepreneur. Family Man. I like to lift things up and put them down.
Stoney deGeyter
CEO of Pole Position Marketing
Video is quickly becoming the next big thing. Many platforms such as Facebook are pushing video, expecting it to be the primary method of communication on their social network. I do think video consumption will continue to increase, I also suspect that it will hit it’s zenith in 2018 or early 2019. At the point the interest level will die down and reach a point of normalcy.
Video marketing will no doubt be important to reach those who prefer video over content , however as marketers, we always have to remember that not everybody wants to take the time to watch a video, especially when scanning content is easier.
As marketers, we’ll need to make videos something special and worth taking the time to watch. If what you’re doing with video can be done with content, then the videos will fail to generate any kind of traction. Effective video marketing will require treating video not as an additional way to reach people with the same content, but as a way to get new content in front of a different audience.
Stoney deGeyter is the Author of The Best Damn Web Marketing Checklist, Period!. He is also a speaker, teacher, husband, father, and CEO of Pole Position Marketing, a results-driven digital marketing agency which he established in 1998.
Trend 6. The tendency is turning towards short, snappy and engaging videos
Anton Shulke
Head of Video Content for SEMrush
I don’t see it right now, but “interactive How To videos” (similar to video games) will revolutionize the industry
Anton Schulke used to be a webinar host. At the moment he is the Head of Video Content for SEMrush.
Dennis Seymour
SaaS entrepreneur
It depends on your target location and demographics but in general, the trend is definitely towards micro, showing native ads , heck, even having your own influencer team. On my current startup, SeriousMD we’re currently playing with short live tutorials, live videos, personal videos from the founder (which is currently just me) for our private group. Our market is a bit less engaging and not quite the outspoken type compared to a broader market, so letting them in, letting them be a part of what we’re doing and letting them know that they can be heard, that’s really a big deal. I can see it happening more as business gets more personal along. AI learning will definitely play a part with gathering data for what the videos can be about but I can’t see it quite handling the actual video content just yet.
Dennis Seymour is a father, SaaS entrepreneur, co-founder SeriousMD.
Gary Bizzo
One of the Top 25 Small Business Accounts on Twitter
While I love video interviews and such, I think the best use of video will be explainer videos around 90 seconds. People ant short videos that provide a solution to a problem. I’m going to be pushing my YouTube channel more in 2018 as a way to offer short (1-2 Min) promos for my online courses and my two books.
Gary Bizzo is a global social media influencer with 500k+ followers. In 2017, Forbes said Bizzo as one of the Top 25 Small Business Accounts on Twitter, Top 200 Social Influencers in the World for 2017 by Forbes. He is a writer for Equities.com and is the author of “Social Media Rock Star – Social Media Marketing for Business” on Amazon.
Ian Moyse
Sales Director at Natterbox
Video Marketing needs to be used now, short sharp video content is the new mantra of the target customer. Attention spans are shorter and people view on the move – video needs to be clear and viewable with sound off – ie with text and imagery that supports non-sound watching, – Ian Moyse
Ian Moyse is Sales Director at Natterbox, sits on the Boards of FAST &Cloud Industry Forum, &is rated #1 Cloud Social influencer 2015-2017 (Onalytica. He is recognised as a leading cloud Blogger and was listed in the EMEA top 50 influencers in Data Centres, Cloud &Data 2017.
Joe Williams
SEO for Zen Optimise
I see more Garyvee type videos. Short, snappy and engaging. Businesses will become more daring in encouraging individual employees and/or founders to take a leading role in promoting the brand. And in doing so they will become the face that customers connect with, rather than just a faceless company. We’ve already seen a shift in selling through educational videos and I expect this to grow more and more in 2018.
Joe Williams is a London based SEO and digital marketing trainer for Zen Optimise.
Keith Keller
The Global Twitter Marketing Specialist
(1) What are your predictions for the state of video marketing in 2018?
There is no doubt that video will play an ever increasing role in content marketing moving forward. In fact, I am already looking past 2018 to 2020 where it is predicted that 80% of all content on the internet will be in the form of video.
I am calling this “The 802020 Rule” (#The802020Rule). With this in mind, 2018 will see more and more video creation ideas and tools to manage them . The real opportunity is to make superior quality videos wherever possible so that your material will “STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD”. Twitter video offers an enormous opportunity to do something a little different in 2018. By creating “bite size chunks of information” and embedding them into your tweets you will set yourself apart from most. It’s a very compelling format and well worth trying. The challenge is condensing your thoughts into 140 seconds or having the patience to edit your longer videos down into those lengths. If you do have a go at this please DM me your ideas and I would be happy to retweet them for you (@KeithKeller)
(2) Do you see any major trends that could potentially reshape the content marketing landscape?
Content marketing is getting increasingly complex and I predict we will see a lot more multimedia formats in 2018 and less of the “words only” blog ideas. There will always be people that enjoy reading the written word but as we are all so time poor, and there are more and more ideas to get your head around, videos and podcasts will become the preferred options for keeping up to date with all the latest information . Videos are already preferred by a large percentage of the population for learning new material and podcasting offers the ability to “learn on the go” which is such a fantastic value add. Overall, I see that video consumption will increase dramatically in 2018 and the written formats will decrease by a corresponding amount. Podcasts will gradually rise in popularity over time to fill the void in between but we are not at “the tipping point” for those yet. That is probably still a few years away.
Keith Keller is now well known internationally as “The Global Twitter Marketing Specialist” and he is popular speaker on the subject. His regular tweets (@KeithKeller) are testament to his passion for sharing the latest information about Twitter as well as other Social Media platforms and he certainly has an ever growing list of success stories.
Kris Degioia
Forbes Top 10 Digital Marketing Strategist
I’ve always thought video marketing would explode in the industry, at the right time, and when the right tools or the platforms where available. I’ve already seen a huge impact from just short films on Facebook. Twitter has stepped up their game by offering $500 in free video marketing (once you’ve reached a small amount in spending advertising dollars in general) this is just the beginning if you’re looking to make an impact in the world 2018 will be the time to utilize video marketing!
Kris Degioia Forbes Top 10 Digital Marketing Strategist, Forbes Top 20 Social Media Marketer, National Speaker and Advocate.
Marko Saric
The video can be an incredible content format for your marketing campaigns. It makes it easier to stand out in the noise of text and most social algorithms seem to surface video content much more frequently than plain text updates or imagery. The problem is that there are tons of videos being published out there too and people don’t have too much patience. The average view time is less than 10 seconds on Facebook so your video needs not only to be useful and entertaining, it also needs to be short and to the point, and needs to be able to make sense in this new silent movie era. Most people watch auto-played video without sound on as they’re scrolling through their news feeds on mobiles. If you can achieve these elements you have a potential hit on your hands.
Marco Saric writes about content marketing, social media and blogging.
Omar Kattan
Managing Director &CSO At Sandstorm Digital FZE
With attention spans divided over more and more platforms, micro format videos will become more essential to tell a brand story . Advertisers will need to master the art of telling stories over multiple channels with different content formats and micro videos will be an essential component of this strategy.
Omar Kattan is a Managing Director &CSO At Sandstorm Digital FZE (@SandstormDigi) – A Content Marketing Agency With Offices in Dubai, Amman, Odessa &Cairo.
Pam Perry
PR Coach, Branding and Social Media Strategist
Yes, more green screens and technical skills are going to be needed to get attention.
Pam Perry is a PR Coach, Branding and Social Media Strategist that helps authors, ministry leaders, experts and entrepreneurs reach their goals.
Rachel Lindteigen
President of Etched Marketing
Video is going to play an even bigger role in marketing in 2018 than it does today. As more marketers and small business owners begin to understand the benefit of video marketing:the sheer audience size (over a billion users on YouTube), the amount of video consumed (100 million hours of video are watched on Facebook daily), and the increased engagement video gets compared to text or image (social video gets 1200% more engagement than text and image combined) they’re going to want to add it to their marketing mix or increase their production levels.
I predict an uptick in the amount of video produced overall and I think it will be a mix of semi-professional quality video and quick/easy videos. We’re seeing more interest in professional quality video equipment than can be set up in an office quickly and used to create videos that are nicer than ones shot on the phone without audio or lighting but not at the level (or expense) of professional videos.
This trend will continue into 2018, I think. Companies are finding they can invest a little in the tools to make their videos stand out from the competition and they’re beginning to understand why that matters. If they’re not providing video content, their competition is and they’re missing potential sales because 87% of marketers use video content.
Rachel Lindteigen is the President of Etched Marketing, a content &digital marketing agency based in Phoenix, AZ. She specializes in content marketing and offers marketing training programs for small business owners through Etched’s Marketing Academy.
Steve Burge
Runs http://OSTraining.com which creates training for the web’s most popular platforms
We’re seeing a lot of companies using videos to provide a mix of training and marketing. If a company provides social media services, they’re creating how-to videos and slipping their marketing into the end of the video. If a company provides WordPress hosting, they want to provide WordPress training with a smattering of ads. There’s a real demand for video marketing it is both useful and helpful.
Steve Burge runs http://OSTraining.com which creates training for the web’s most popular platforms, and partners with companies such as GoDaddy and Pantheon to create training that reaches and engages their customers.
Trend 7. Personalized videos will continue to rise
Viewers are tired of being bombarded by visual messages all over the place. If a brand or company wants to be successful, what they really need to go after is personalized custom videos that cut through the noise. This is the only way to get noticed.
Aaron Orendorff
Content marketer at Shopify Plus
Two larger content marketing trends will impact video marketing. First, personalization . In lieu of high-production-value (and high-cost) videos meant to serve audiences at large, video marketing must follow the segmenting trend of content itself. Second, interactive. Alongside personalized videos — which doesn’t mean using individuals names a la email marketing, but serving specific segments — interactive content in the form of both user-led segmentation (e.g., quizzes) and user-tracking (e.g., browsing and purchase history) will help to create the personalized, video experience today’s consumer demands.
Aaron Orendorff is a content marketer at Shopify Plus as well as the founder of iconiContent, where he’s busy “saving the world from bad content”.
Adam Franklin
Digital marketing speaker
Video marketing will continue to thrive in 2018 and video will become the most consumed type of content . Facebook Lives have refined video marketing because it’s completely removed the technical barrier for publishing videos. You can now “point and go” and share your video broadcast with literally hundreds of people instantly. We used to have to record a video, edit it, produce it and eventually publish it, and this tedious process meant that many aspiring video marketers would give up before their content every made it online.
I think we’ll see the rise of real-time videos where the host can interact live with attendees. This level of access and transparency is very appealing to marketers and viewers alike.
The best marketers will become mini media companies as they regularly host their own video shows on Facebook and YouTube.
Adam Franklin is a digital marketing speaker &author of Web Marketing That Works
Brandon Safford
Founder and Principal of Small Business Analytics of Texas
Simply put, video sales letters (VSLs) are currently the hottest thing, and far more effective than static ads. As for why, my guess is because the video allows for a more human connection , as well as nuance, so that the viewer is better able to connect with the service offered than if they simply saw words and a photo. However, this trend only appears to be for newer companies looking to get their name out there. Well-recognized brands that have already built up considerable trust in the public eye may not need it as much.
As for trends affecting the marketing landscape, I see artificial intelligence playing a progressively larger role. It is one thing for a marketer to manually choose the demographic the VSLs will be targeted toward, but another thing altogether to have the power of an AI behind predictions as to which ones are most likely to respond or convert to the sale (or signup, or whatever the goal is).
Brandon Safford is the Founder and Principal of Small Business Analytics of Texas (aka SBATX).
Brenda S. Stoltz
Founding Partner of Ariad Partners
According to Cisco, by 2020, video traffic will account for 83% of all internet traffic. With the rise of AI technologies, we will see more and more AI tech that helps deliver video content . Marketers that leverage AI will create and deliver multiple variations by persona, use case, product, etc. This will enable marketers to deliver more targeted content, get more views and better return for their video marketing spend.
Larger companies have and are adopting these technologies but we’ll see them move to the small and mid-market as they become more accessible.
Brenda S. Stoltz is a Founding Partner of Ariad Partners, which helps B2B companies improve their sales and marketing processes, technology, and results. You can tweet her at @bsstoltz.
Carlos Abler
Leader, Content Marketing Strategy at 3M
The increasing opportunity for highly tailored personalized content, AI, algorithmically-driven content display, addressable television and other and startups focusing in run-time dynamic video display, will force content creators to create video in a hyper-modular architecture , that can display dozens of hundreds of possible personalized variants for ‘the same’ video. Content creators will have to think about not just one story path and outcome for a video, but multiple story paths and outcomes. Not just one overly narrow audience per video, but a multitude of potential or even unforeseen audiences per video. Based on previous content consumption patterns and other data, do you want your TV commercial to appeal to art intensive, a sports intensive family, or both? Do you want your video to appeal to a family that agrees politically, or disagrees politically? To satirize one, the other, or both? The ‘same video’ can do this, if teams have studied the spectrum of potential audiences, and identified what component permutations will deliver the desired outcome for the business, for those many discreet segments. This environment will save a lot of great ideas from the cutting room floor due to ‘the death of average’, and bring them all to life in a world of endlessly permeating possibilities. Let’s plan to burn through a lot of storyboards.
Carlos Abler is a Leader, Content Marketing Strategy, 3M. Leveraging content as a catalyst for digital transformation, customer-experience, and stakeholder value creation, Carlos leads and supports initiatives that drive roadmaps of maturity across content programs, technologies, and human resource development for global conglomerates, small businesses, not-for-profits and NGOs.
Gregg Anderson
The founding partner of 41 Orange
We predict that state of the content marketing landscape will dramatically shift over the next two years. The big shift will come from brands making the switch from inbound marketing to account-based marketing. The internet is bloated with content that’s not personalized to individual prospects. As an agency we’ve made a big investment not only into video, but into personalized video . We no longer create content on general topics and try to appeal to the masses in the one-to-many model. Instead, we create personalized videos for each prospect that engages with our brand, a one-to-one highly personalized form of account-based marketing.
Gregg Anderson is the founding partner of 41 Orange, a marketing agency specializing in inbound and content marketing. 41 Orange serves mid-market and enterprise companies, helping their marketing and sales teams create online marketing funnels that attract, convert, nurture, and close leads through marketing and sales automation.
Ivana Taylor
The founder of DIYMarketers.com
I don’t see “new” trends as much as I see existing technologies such as livestreaming, temporary content, virtual reality and video email marketing being used in the skillful hands of creative influencers and experts to build engagement, conversation and community.
Both business and consumer audiences crave content that is both entertaining and educational. The great news for small business marketers who are strapped for time and money is that their audiences aren’t looking for super slick, over-the-top productions. These audiences are looking for truth, authenticity and real personality . Cinema Verite will rule. But the real challenge for small business marketers will be to hone their message points, target their audience and come up with creative and engaging content that truly connects.
The more things change, the more they remain the same. Technology can help you TELL your story – but it can’t craft it for you.
Ivana Taylor is the founder of DIYMarketers.com where she simplifies small business marketing with low cost tools, tips and strategies. She is the host #BizapaloozaChat, she’s a D&B and Fast Company top Influencer, contributor to AMEX OpenForum, Book Editor for Small Business Trends and has appeared on MSNBC.
Joseph Yaacoub
Certified Digital Marketing Strategist &Trainer
Online videos are undoubtedly a big part of our daily lives &this will increase in 2018. Video marketing remains the most effective and the most powerful tool to create more visibility , build up trust, attract viewership, and more likely to go viral than any other medium available today.
Therefore, it is ‘now’ when companies should start incorporating Video Marketing in their strategic planning process for 2018. But the most essential part is to build these videos based on the 3 fundamentals:
– To inform &educate
– To entertain
– To inspire
Not to forget to customize these videos for mobile with captions to attract more silent viewers.
As content marketing becomes more successful, it’s also going to become more competitive. when it comes to “Content Marketing” in the middle east, I think the role of “Content team” will evolve &audio content will re-enter the market along with the rise of graphics and videos. Even when using all these content marketing tools, personalization of the content will remain the key to unlock any opportunity. It’s all about the audience!
Joseph Yaacoub is a Journalist, Certified Digital Marketing Strategist &Trainer. Joseph has created and led successful digital marketing, branding and PR campaigns for everyone.
Katyan Roach
Business Consultant and Social Media Strategist
Video marketing will, of course, continue to be utilized more and more. However, I see brands leaning more towards storytelling and video content that tells a compelling story , a story that evokes emotions, stirs a connection and keeps the viewer engaged, will always take the lead.
This is not so much a trend that will change over time but a tried and true strategy that continues to work, no matter the medium.
Katyan Roach is a Business Consultant and Social Media Strategist, who loves helping small &medium sized businesses wade through the sometimes overwhelming world that is Social Media Marketing. Newbies &Side hustlers also have a special place in her heart.
Mordecai Holtz
Co-Founder and Chief Digital Strategist at Blue Thread Marketing
With half of 2017 already behind us, brands are already looking to plan their business strategies for next year. This year video reached a critical point especially with Snapchat, Instagram and even Linkedin showing the importance of video marketing. As video continues to reshape the marketing landscape, these are three key elements to really drive success for future efforts.
Mordecai Holtz is a Co-Founder and Chief Digital Strategist at Blue Thread Marketing.
Nick Lucs
Digital marketing specialist
I believe that videos will become more personal . For example, a company could announce updates through a Facebook Live video so it’s authentic, personable, and the product marketers can answers questions on demand through the comment sections.
Nick Lucs is a digital marketing specialist focusing on social media and content marketing. He is the owner of Social Nickel.
Ruth Carter, Esq.
Licensed attorney in Arizona
I don’t know if this is going to happen in video marketing or medium of content marketing, but given that MediaRadar’s research shows that 37% of publishers don’t comply with the FTC rules for native advertising, I predict the FTC is going to make an example of someone. And with fines up to $16K per violation, it’s going to be a costly mistake.
Ruth Carter, Esq. is a licensed attorney in Arizona who focuses on intellectual property, business contracts, and social media law. She’s the author of three best-selling books on the legalities of guerrilla marketing and social media, including The Legal Side of Blogging:How Not to get Sued, Fired, Arrested, or Killed.
Sam Hurley
Founder of the OPTIM-EYEZ platform
Key message: Those wishing to beat the competition (or at very least, compete) — simply MUST begin investing in video ASAP.
A well-prepared combination of video, audio and written content is a solid overall marketing strategy as we head into 2018.
The buzz surrounding video is very real and imperative to add to your marketing mix — yet (depending on industry), it’s important not to become overwhelmed by the stats and predictions.
Deploying an ideal blend of video and surrounding content is key for visibility, attention and conversion.
Video should be seen as the final piece of your marketing jigsaw — the link that forges lasting human connection — a connection that equals sales.
Written content still has its place in terms of wider customer expectations, and words are at the very core of ‘the big one’:Google. The written word won’t be vanishing anytime soon.
We must also occasionally step out of our marketing bubble and realize many businesses aren’t up-to-date…
There is what appears to be a HUGE chasm between the amount of businesses that are ultra-modern and those that are not even using basic martech like automation.
2016 research suggests 50% of small U.S.-based businesses are still run without a website, suggesting a sizeable lack of knowledge with regards to online marketing.(Video probably won’t be on their agenda anytime soon!)
However: Those wishing to beat the competition (or at very least, compete) — simply MUST begin investing in video ASAP. The nation is increasingly attracted to video as time goes by — especially the younger generations. Generation Z has an attention span of only 8 seconds…a huge difference between that of Millenials, at a whopping 12 seconds!
How else are you going to win their time..?
The emergence of video marketing is not surprising when we’re talking stats like this — and conversion rate increases of 80%!
We know video is awesome and compelling, of course — but resource is a common challenge. 43% of marketers said they’d create more video content if there were no obstacles like time and budget. So, this is clearly a problem.
Top-notch video content is difficult to achieve, unless the right know-how and tech is applied. I see the same issue becoming more prevalent in future years as pressure mounts to cater for the demanding expectations of potential (and existing) customers.
Here are 5 key video marketing trends to watch out for:
Trend #1:Live Video Taking Even Greater Hold. Facebook is pioneering this space, and the rest will follow…
I believe younger-generation consumers will soon expect customer service to be live in this way. Brands will need to adapt — smaller businesses may struggle.
The following 4 trends will be heavily influenced, improved and automated with the rise of Artificial Intelligence.
Trend #2:Video Ads Penetrating Our Experiences.
Facebook already introduced auto-play video ads (with sound) and Google has been experimenting, too.
Trend #3:Personalized Video Marketing Emerges.
Still relatively lesser-known, this status will change in years to come.
The demand for personalization is ever-present — 100% personalized video is the next frontier. Tech vendors will become insanely clever at utilizing mass amounts of data with a view to providing unique video experiences.
Réfléchissez : Online and offline touchpoints, particularly those of ecommerce brands that have physical store locations.
Personalized shopping experiences of this kind are now achievable by harmonizing video content with in-store tech (devices that sync your physical and virtual shopping basket, virtually dress you and will soon be able to 3D-print tailored products — on the spot!)
That said…
Trend #4:Immersive Video Continues To Flourish.
A wholly-personalized AND immersive experience is a slick concept. Audiences want to feel closer to brands than ever before. The opportunity in terms of storytelling is colossal. Larger organizations have already seen great success using 360-degree video ads.Venturing further into augmented reality; it’s a deep rabbit hole!
I believe value will soon begin to meet innovation in this area, in terms of both sales and customer benefit. AR and VR are quite ‘buzzwordy’ terms for marketers — but not to be sniffed at.
Trend #5:Video Production + Analytics =Big Business.
There’s no point in creating and deploying quality video if you can’t measure it.
Aside from the top brands taking center stage, look out for heaps of new vendors entering the game.
The uptake in video marketing will be met with a similar surge of startups specializing in video metrics and highly-targeted video services.
Sam Hurley is a lateral-thinking digital marketer holding experience in both agency and client-side settings. He is Founder of the OPTIM-EYEZ platform. Sam has achieved success for SMEs and popular global brands through to blue chip organizations while being ranked as the world’s #1 digital influencer by Webinale, #2 most influential digital marketer by Onalytica and one of the top 3 content marketing influencers by ScribbleLive.
Shira Abel
CEO of Hunter &Bard
As video becomes easier and easier to produce more personalized video, connecting the seller to the customer, will be made. There will also be more people promoting themselves through video. YouTube is the second largest search engine and it can be a powerful tool to promote a brand or person.
Shira Abel is the CEO of Hunter &Bard, a PR and Design agency.
Trend 8. Video will continue to be a part of a broader content marketing strategy
Despite the fact that video is a powerful marketing instrument, we should remember that it is still a part of the bigger content marketing strategy. Along with other instruments, it helps SEO, increases engagement, and drives business.
Andy Crestodina
Co-founder and the Strategic Director of Orbit Media
More, bigger and better video is the future of marketing, but I predict that some brands will go a bit too far with their video strategies. Companies that go video only will see a drop in search traffic as they move away from search friendly text.
Video is part of a balance of formats. The most effective content marketing programs will produce hybrid pages, with video on top and detailed articles below. That’s a winning strategy for search, social, trust and conversion.
Andy Crestodina is a co-founder and the Strategic Director of Orbit Media, an award-winning 38-person web design company in Chicago.
Pratik Dholakiya
Founder of Growfusely
Video marketing has felt like early 2000s SEO for a very long time in that it has been very low on competition. The ubiquity of cameras is changing that, and viewers now expect more professional production quality than ever before.
Video marketing will reach critical mass in 2018 and the competition will reach levels not yet seen. Viewers are subscribing to so many video channels that they are not seeing everything. It will be more important than ever to transition video marketing efforts towards list building efforts and to really blow them away with the usefulness of our videos.
We will need to stop thinking about videos like “content” and start thinking about them more like products, and we will need to be focused on a video’s place in the sales funnel more rigorously than in the past.
Pratik Dholakiya is the founder of Growfusely, a content marketing agency specializing in content and data-driven SEO.
Christoph Trappe
Business advisor
I actually thought 2017 was the year of video. 🙂 Well, maybe not quite! Video will become more and more important in your content marketing mix , but what will be more important is how it’s packaged for the audience and accessible for different audiences. For example:
Can I view it on several networks?
Is there a transcript that I can read when I can’t watch with sound! Or better, is there a caption?
Also, the quality and relevance will be more important than ever. That includes the production value as well as the relevance factor. Audiences expect video to look and sound good but also be highly relevant and not waste their time!
Christoph Trappe helps businesses and organizations in the Americas develop and implement strategic content marketing plans and practices by combining efficient workflows, content marketers’ skills and useful technologies.
Konrad Sanders
The CEO and Content Strategist at The Creative Copywriter
I’m sure it comes as no surprise to anyone reading or contributing to this article that video is becoming an increasingly big deal. It’s just a more gripping form of content. It engages more of our senses and we form a deeper connection with it. So I’m pretty sure this pattern will continue in the this upwards direction throughout 2018. And I say:bring it on!
In terms of game-changing trends. Qui sait? Perhaps more companies will understand the value of repurposing video content; par exemple. chopping up longer videos into very short GIF-like vids that can be sprinkled across their social channels. Perhaps there will be more of a shift towards personalisation , e.g. different, more tailored and personal versions of videos shown to different buyer personas or prospects at different stages of the sales funnel. Perhaps Google will learn to ‘read’ video content in the way it reads written content and so spoken keyword phrases will start to play a huge role in future SEO. Perhaps there will be a rise in silent Charlie Chaplin-style short videos as we increasingly watch them on our smartphones at work and on public transport, without wanting to play sound. Perhaps more B2B companies will pull the stick out of their behinds and start injecting actual creativity and storytelling into their video content.
Je ne sais pas. But video will certainly play a massive role in content marketing in 2018. And rightfully so.
Konrad Sanders is the CEO and Content Strategist at The Creative Copywriter, and has a pretty darn creative noggin on his shoulders. His gang of word-slingin’ cowboys know how to compel, convince and convert customers with words.
Mike Kawula
The CEO of Social Quant
Video consumption as a percentage of the worlds internet traffic continues to increase year-over-year and there are no signs of that decreasing, especially as we see technology getting better with VR and 360-Degree video.
Video will boost business’s conversions, increase brand trust and entrepreneurs will definitely see greater ROI for their business.
Look at how fast Snapchat, Facebook Live and recently, Instagram Stories are growing.
COO of Twitter, Anthony Noto, is looking to turnaround Twitter by making it into a media company that has 24-hours a day live video where people can discuss and watch, breaking news. Personally, I’m loving watching Bloomberg LIVE on Twitter each morning and having great conversations.
If you’re unsure how to use video in your business, check-out the recent post by Ana Hoffman on Repurposing Content and consider taking some of your existing content or advertisements, and turning them into video.
Mike Kawula is the CEO of Social Quant, Co-Founder of DinnerTable MBA and a Top 100 Digital Marketing Influencer.
Patti Minglin
The founder/CEO of Go Girl Communications
If it isn’t already a part of your content marketing strategy, video will definitely be a part of it in 2018. Consumers will almost expect your content to have a video element whether that is a “how to” on YouTube or a quick Facebook Live for an event. Because video will be a more important part of the overall content plan, you will see brands creating more real strategies behind their videos with a focus on WHY are we doing this instead of just WHAT are we doing.
Patti Minglin is the founder/CEO of Go Girl Communications, a content marketing company specializing in helping brands build conversations with women and moms. A self-proclaimed “accidental entrepreneur,” Patti launched Go Girl Communications in 2011 with the belief that strong content and authentic engagement build relationships, not just customers.
Veronica Stoddart
Award-winning editor and content consultant
Research points to the undeniable value of video content in leading to higher engagement than all-text content and to playing a growing role in social media marketing. In fact, a growing consensus sees video as the future of content marketing , bringing the best return on investment and increasing online conversion rates by up to 80 percent. Some reports even suggest video will account for 80 percent of all Web traffic by 2019.
Still, as content marketing evolves, the focus on distribution will continue to grow, including such trends as:1) influencer marketing using influencers to reach targeted audiences via their extensive social media followings; 2) content syndication, or amplification, via third-party platforms that place content (whether video or text) on media sites to drive traffic to a brand’s website; and 3) recycling content to deliver the right piece, to the right audience, in the right channel or platform, at the right time.
Veronica Stoddart is an award-winning editor and content consultant; the former travel editor of USA TODAY. She provides content marketing solutions for travel clients via her consultancy, VS Content Strategies, and as Chief Content Officer for Percepture, a marketing communications agency.
Trend 9. Live video will take a more important place in content marketing
Archana Dhankar
Head of the Marketing Department at Aspire
Online video will undoubtedly become a big part of our daily lives. Think about the last video you watched. Why you watched it, and what you gained from watching it. Online video marketing will be about 3 fundamental principles to inform, to entertain and to inspire.
Archana Dhankar is Marketing Expert with over 12 years of experience currently living in the UK, heading the Marketing Department at Aspire. She has helped various start-up brands in their initial journey and throughout her career, she has launched go-to-market initiatives and led marketing strategies for award-winning, high-growth companies.
Janice Wald
An author, a freelance writer, a blogger, and a blogging coach
Live Video Streaming sites will become a greater part of marketing strategy.
Since production of content is moving toward video, marketers should use Facebook Live and other live video streaming sites.
Since consumers prefer live video to recorded video, I see live video services such as Facebook Live surpassing recorded video sites like YouTube in popularity among marketers.
At the end of the video, marketers can put their call to action:the link they want their target consumers to click to get on their mailing list.
On Facebook, you can pay to sponsor these videos so they appear in the feed of interested customers.
Janice Wald is an author, a freelance writer, a blogger, and a blogging coach. At MostlyBlogging.com, she shares tips for bloggers and marketers. Her blog was nominated for the 2017 Most Informative Blog Award at the London Blogger’s Bash. She published AN INSIDER’S GUIDE TO BUILDING A SUCCESSFUL BLOG.
Priit Kallas
The founder of Dreamgrow.com
The majority of consumers prefer video content to reading. Consumer preference will lead to video explosion in content marketing. Video will become more important for converting and lead generation . A lot of potential buyers don’t want to talk to salespeople. This is where video can influence sales in later stages.
Videos will also play a bigger part in personal sales and support. First, and the more scalable, option is to use pre-recorded clips with sales or support people. The second option is to record short messages for specific needs so that (potential) customers can watch them at a convenient time. The popularity of video also means that more content at the top of the funnel has to be in video format. In B2C it’s almost obvious. But B2B-people are people, too. Video content is more likely to keep the audience in the comfort zone. They will not engage in system 2 thinking. System 1, the autopilot mental state, should lead to less critical thinking, less friction, and more conversions.
The acceptance of good enough production quality will lead to massive amount of live video content created ad-hoc on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Facebook Live videos, webinar recordings, and other video material with good enough production quality will work as long as the content itself is engaging.
Live video streams can become an important part of the video content. In its original live format and promoting the recorded material after the event. Bring live events to their audience, hold a live Q&A session, interviews with influencers help to engage and build brand awareness. Brands will start to think strategically about the video. How different video formats and channels can support each other? How to create cornerstone video content that can be atomized, expanded, and combined with other content formats? Finding ways to get the most mileage from their videos.
Testing in video marketing. There are no set rules of thumb. When brands are figuring out their approach to video a lot of experimenting needs to take place. Long vs. short versions in different channels. Animation, talking heads, actors, CGI. How to present introductions, hooks, and calls-to-action in the video.
Videos need to be optimized for specific platforms and different use cases. For example, sometimes we need to look at videos without sound. Subtitles or on-screen text that convey the message when there’s no sound. Research from TV ads shows better message recall when the ad has same language subtitles. Storytelling will be more important than ever . People can read through a list of facts in an article, but in video format, you will lose your audience if there’s no story. The flow of the presentation and emotional connection to the viewer are going to make or break a video.
Video=Youtube. Facebook will try to take video leadership from Youtube. Youtube is the go-to place for independent content creators and brands to build their following. Facebook needs to find a way to bring big Youtube stars to its platform.
The ROI of video marketing. Top of the funnel video content can be hard to measure, but more videos will be used in the sales process closer to the actual conversion. Video will speed up sales cycles as prospects think less and act sooner.
Priit Kallas is the founder of Dreamgrow.com, a social media and content marketing company. With 20+ years marketing experience he is helping companies to get results in digital marketing. Priit is the organizer of DigitalEliteCamp.com, a leading traffic and conversion event.
Tereza Litsa
Content Marketing Manager for Hubbub Fundraising
Video marketing is expected to become an even bigger trend in 2018 and it’s no surprise that more brands start using it. The rise of video content in social media has made it easier to create videos, which means that the budget or the technical requirements are not the problem anymore.
I believe that live video is expected to be a big trend, as more social platforms embrace it. Publishers can increase real-time engagement with their audience, while it can also encourage more people to help brands with user-generated content.
Moreover, video advertising will be another big trend to look out, as it can be both appealing and effective.
Tereza Litsa is a Content Marketing Manager for Hubbub Fundraising and is passionate about content writing and social media. * * *