De nos jours, il existe de nombreux sites Web de téléchargement de jeux sur le marché, mais beaucoup d'entre eux présentent souvent des risques potentiels. Cette page présente respectivement les 24 meilleurs sites de téléchargement de jeux PC gratuits, tous exempts de virus, alors ne vous inquiétez pas pour la sécurité.
Les 24 principaux sites Web de téléchargement de jeux sur PC :
- Blizzard
- Magasin de jeux épiques
- Jeu Jolt
- GamersGate
- Jeu d'homme vert
- Ensembles humbles
- Application Microsoft Xbox
- Origine
- Vapeur
- Ubisoft Connect
- Jeu d'acide
- G2A
- Méga jeux
- AllGamesAtoZ
- Softpedia
- Océan de jeux
- Maison des Underdogs
- Dérapage et rechargement
- Abandonie
- Prendre le jeu
- Site de téléchargement de jeux PC :FAQ

Meilleurs sites de téléchargement de jeux PC
Différents choix de jeu peuvent refléter les différentes personnalités de chaque joueur. Par exemple, la plupart des joueurs qui préfèrent réfléchir choisiront des jeux de réflexion ou de stratégie; Les personnes qui recherchent l'excitation seront plus enclines aux jeux de tir ou d'aventure; Les jeux de course seront le meilleur choix pour les joueurs qui aiment concourir; les jeux d'entreprise simulés seront populaires parmi les joueurs qui rêvent de devenir des hommes d'affaires. Mais de nos jours, le téléchargement de jeux est toujours vulnérable aux virus. Par conséquent, comment télécharger un jeu préféré en toute sécurité est devenu un problème qui préoccupe tout le monde.
Aujourd'hui, dans cet article, j'aimerais vous présenter 24 sites de téléchargement de jeux PC sûrs et fiables , vous permettant d'obtenir des jeux gratuits en toute sécurité et en toute légalité . Parmi ces nombreuses options, je pense que vous pouvez choisir le site Web qui vous convient.
A ne pas manquer :10 meilleurs logiciels de montage vidéo de jeu, comment éditer des vidéos de jeu, 3 façons d'enregistrer un jeu sur PC
Les 24 meilleurs sites Web pour télécharger des jeux PC gratuits en toute sécurité

Blizzard est un site Web établi de longue date et l'un des plus fiables qui propose des jeux informatiques gratuits et sûrs à télécharger. Auparavant connu sous le nom de, le site a été officiellement renommé Blizzard en 2016, y compris des titres populaires tels que Warcraft, StarCraft, Diablo et World of Warcraft. Le site est disponible en version gratuite ou payante. Les joueurs sont autorisés à essayer gratuitement les jeux payants avant de les acheter. C'est très convivial.
Télécharger des jeux depuis le site Web de Blizzard
- Les jeux sont profondément jouables. Il y a beaucoup de place pour les joueurs.
- Permet aux joueurs du monde entier de réseauter et de jouer les uns contre les autres dans la vraie vie, ce qui ajoute au plaisir du jeu.
- Le personnel de Blizzard est généralement composé de joueurs avancés ou expérimentés, et par conséquent, développe des jeux plus axés sur l'utilisateur et adaptés aux besoins des joueurs.
- Nécessite un haut niveau de configuration sur l'ordinateur.
- Parfois, il y a des rebonds.
Magasin de jeux épiques

Magasin de jeux épiques
À venir, Epic Games Store, une autre source de jeux gratuits fiable et fiable et une plate-forme de distribution de jeux numériques d'Epic Games, se distingue des autres plates-formes de jeux avec son programme "Support-A-Creator". En encourageant et en soutenant les créateurs de contenu sur les plateformes de diffusion en direct telles que YouTube et Twitch pour promouvoir les jeux des développeurs. L'Epic Games Store propose des jeux gratuits pour une durée limitée, et les prix de tous les jeux payants sont affichés sur la page d'accueil.
Plate-forme :Mac et PC
Télécharger des jeux à partir du site Web d'Epic Games
- Mode hors ligne. les joueurs pourront jouer sans problème sans connexion Internet.
- Le système de fête permet aux joueurs de communiquer par voix ou par SMS en se réunissant pour s'amuser.
- La fonctionnalité Ne pas déranger vous permet de vous immerger dans le jeu sans être dérangé par les messages.
- Des jeux gratuits seront disponibles chaque semaine.
- Prise en charge de plusieurs langues.
- La vitesse de téléchargement est lente.
- Les jeux sont plus chers.
Déclenchement du jeu

Coup de jeu
Game Jolt est un site d'hébergement de jeux indépendant dédié à la recherche des meilleurs jeux du monde. Le site propose une large gamme de jeux d'action, d'horreur, d'aventure, de fangame, de fnaf, d'undertale et d'autres genres. Crown Tick, Inspector Waffles, Who need a hero et Retrograde Arena sont quelques-uns des jeux les plus populaires de Game Jolt. Chacun de ces jeux contient des messages de joueurs du monde entier et des vidéos à ce sujet. Et vous pouvez les partager avec vos amis en temps réel.
Plates-formes :Windows, OS X et Linux
Télécharger des jeux à partir du site Web de Game Jolt
- Vous permet de créer vos jeux et de les publier sur le Web.
- Vous pouvez non seulement jouer au jeu, mais aussi découvrir comment mieux connaître un jeu indépendant.
- Prend en charge le mode multijoueur et la possibilité de créer ou de rejoindre des communautés.
- Vitesse de téléchargement relativement lente.
- Impossible de télécharger des jeux sur le Web via Google Chrome, car Game Jolt n'est pas approuvé par Google.
Porte des joueurs

Portail des jeux
GamersGate est une page de téléchargement de jeux informatiques qui a été mise en ligne en 2004. Ce qui la rend spéciale, c'est le modèle de vente groupé innovant :lorsque son stock est proposé à des prix et des ventes spéciaux, vous pouvez refuser de regrouper des jeux individuels à vendre comme un moyen de payer moins. Cette initiative a été très appréciée des consommateurs. The Ascent, Pillars of Eternity II :Deadfire et MONSTER HUNTER RISE figurent parmi les jeux les plus vendus.
Plates-formes :Windows, macOS, Linux et Android
Télécharger des jeux à partir du site Web GamersGate
- Pas de gestion des droits numériques. Les utilisateurs ont la possibilité de transférer les jeux achetés vers d'autres comptes.
- Conception sans client. Les joueurs peuvent découvrir les jeux qui les intéressent sans l'intervention d'un tiers.
- Prix moins cher
- Le remboursement ne peut être utilisé que pour le prochain achat de jeu.
- Certains jeux sont assez volumineux et peuvent prendre deux à trois heures à télécharger

GOG couvre non seulement de nombreux anciens jeux, mais également de nombreux nouveaux. La plate-forme est parfaite pour les joueurs qui aiment la nostalgie et est connue comme le lieu où se concentrent les vieux jeux classiques. Sa principale caractéristique est DRM-FREE, il n'y a donc pas de mécanismes anti-piratage. En parallèle, la plateforme GOG propose souvent des jeux gratuits ou met en place des remises à durée limitée pour tenir compte des intérêts des joueurs. Certains des anciens jeux les plus populaires incluent Jazz Jackrabbit, Emperor :Rise of the Middle Kingdom et Rise of the Dragon.
Plates-formes :Mac, Windows et Linux
Download Games from GOG Website
- A dedicated community forum is ideal for players to communicate with each other or to solve their problems.
- Automatic saving in the cloud. You don’t have to worry about losing your progress.
- No mandatory update requirements.
- Allows you to download directly via the web without having to download within the client and is not slow.
- Better suited to single-player games, not multiplayer.
- Although the offline mode is supported, it is not very convenient.
- The server can sometimes experience lag and cause some features to break down.
Green Man Gaming

Green Man Gaming
Unlike other gaming platforms, Green Man Gaming mainly uses the XP system. Players earn XP by purchasing games on this page. In this way, the platform offers positive rewards to players by offering discounts or free game benefits. During holidays, the site offers themed events to attract players. For example, games from the “Survival” and “Resident Evil” series will be popular promotions.
Download Games from Green Man Gaming Website
- Newcomer’s guide makes it easy to understand the site and familiarize with the buying process etc.
- Each game displays ratings and players’ reviews to give you a quick overview of the game.
- Offers multiplayer online play.
- Discounts are very conscientious and frequent.
- Poor player after-sales support.
- Sometimes there are running problems with downloaded games.
Humble Bundles

Humble Bundles
Humble Bundles sells licensed games, eBooks, and software at relatively low prices with a percentage of the money spent on the games going to charity. It is also a charity site where players can use the secret keys they get from purchases on Steam, GOG, or other platforms. Some of the most popular games include Space Hulk Deathwing, Chimera Squad, and Dragon Quest.
Platforms:Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Android
Download Games from Humble Bundles Website
- Free game packs are regularly released.
- Pay as you go. Pay what you want.
- Includes a wide selection of games in RPG, Virtual Reality, Simulation, Strategy, Action, Adventure, Indie, Racing, and many more genres.
- Sometimes requires the use of a website accelerator to access.
- Need to get a code to redeem on the corresponding platform. is a digital shop that sells and offers downloads of independent video games. It not only allows you to download games here but also allows you to upload your games and make a profit from them. No advertisements on the site make your journey through the selection of games much more enjoyable. Some of the more popular games are horror games such as THE SMILING MAN, AUGUST NIGHT, and DeathOFCraze.
Platforms:Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, IOS, and Web
Download Games from Website
- A large number of games are included and many are free. Paid games are available for trial.
- The menu bar is very detailed and easy to search for.
- Unique “reward” feature.
- Paid games are taxed, therefore, can be more expensive than on other platforms.
- Refunds are not guaranteed.
Microsoft Xbox App

Microsoft Xbox App
The Microsoft Xbox App is an official app. It shows a variety of Xbox games and information and free games full versions. Xbox allows players to browse Xbox Live achievements or watch live Twitch games. It also features chat with friends and Game DVR.
Download Games from Microsoft Xbox App Website
- The games are fast to download
- Socially powerful, players can share with their friends, check their game status, or communicate with them by voice and text
- Allows you to set screen usage time for good gaming habits
- The screen recording feature may cause a lagging phenomenon
- Occasional login issues

Origin offers a wide range of functions including digital purchases, physical activation, downloads, data cloud storage, social, and more, which makes it a good place to download free PC games full version. These include Star Wars Day, Plants Vs Zombies, The Sims, Assassin’s Creed, etc. All of which have captured the interest of gamers.
Platforms:PC, Mac, Xbox, PS, iOS, Android
Download Games from Origin Website
- Launches many free games, limited-time free games, and free trial games.
- You can chat with your friends, join your friends’ games and even broadcast your gaming life online and share it with players everywhere.
- Cloud storage, no more worrying about game interruptions.
- Games download speed is increased and game patches are automatically installed to improve the player’s gaming experience.
- Updates are too frequent.
- Customer service feedback is not timely.

Steam is one of today’s safest and most reliable sources for free PC games, the oldest licensed game download platform, and one of the world’s largest comprehensive digital game software distribution platforms. Steam has become the gaming platform of choice for most gamers. It has fast download speeds, multiplayer support, and a huge range of game genres such as Adventure, Casual, RPG, Sports, and Strategy.
- Learn how to record Steam gameplay
Platforms:Mac, Windows, Android, and iOS
Download Games from Steam Website
- Available in 28 languages, it is a game for players from all over the world.
- Supports cross-platform game pairing and matchmaking, as well as the ability to form tribes and communicate with different players during gameplay.
- Introduces an automatic update system, without the need for manual updates.
- VAC has an anti-cheat system to maintain the fairness of the game.
- Some games are priced relatively high.
- There are games of varying quality.
Ubisoft Connect

Ubisoft Connect
Ubisoft Connect is a service ecosystem launched by Ubisoft, which can connect gamers on all platforms. Players are allowed to view statistics and leaderboards, etc. You play games with your friends, have group conversations with multiplayer games, or create group chats. And on weekends, there will be regular restricted free games If you are lucky, you can also get a free game.
Download Games from Ubisoft Connect Website
- A free service that can be used on all devices.
- Can interact in the community.
- And the download and startup speed is very fast.
- The experience of Ubisoft Connect in all games is not the same.
- Sometimes there are login or connection problems.
- You need to upgrade U currency.
- A download client is required to purchase and download games.
Acid Play

Acid Player
Acid Play is a very reliable website that provides free games and a top-notch option for you to download free PC games full version. All the games here will be given the total score, game introduction, game type classification, and tags. You can download the game directly here. Game types include Puzzle, Simulation, Arcade, PRG, etc. There are many classic games, such as Dragonball Z Millennium, Super Mario, and Icy Tower.
Download Games from Acid Play Website
- Search navigation is easy.
- Lots of classic nostalgic games.
- Games are quick to download
- Ads all over the site.
- Slow updates since 2015.
- Most games are only supported for Windows.

G2A is considered, an online game market specially designed for players. Unlike other game download websites, it does not sell products directly but provides a platform for selling and purchasing digital products. It provides consumers with platforms including Xbox, Origin, Apple, Uplay, GOG, and so on. It contains all kinds of game genres, such as Action, RPG, Strategy, Racing.
Download Games from G2A Website
- Ability to switch between different language settings and different currencies.
- Discount codes for different platforms are available at a reduced price.
- Players can also become sellers and thus make a profit.
- Risk of being scammed.
- Platform services leave much to be desired.
Mega Games

Mega Games
Mega Games is an online gaming platform founded in 2018. Players can share games, download programs to enhance games, browse player reviews, add feelings about games. Options are available for certain games to download free PC games full version, and itt is also known as a news site for the gaming industry and a provider of demos.
Platforms:OS X and Windows
Download Games from Mega Games Website
- Good for gamers to find a game they like.
- Offers many free games.
- Can be downloaded directly from within the site without any other media intervention.
- Some games seem to contain viruses.
- Too many advertisements.

AllGamesAtoZ regularly provides players with free games and links to some free game websites. This provides a lot of convenience for players. At the same time. The platform provides shooting, action, role-playing, and many more.
Platforms:PC, Mac, Linux, and Retro
Download Games from AllGamesAtoZ Website
- Detailed categories, very easy to find.
- Numerous free games.
- The game review forum makes it easy to keep up with the game.
- Downloading is rather time-consuming.
- Too many ads.

Softpedia is a software download site for games full version, programs, drivers, systems. It offers a large number of different types of games such as puzzle games, RPG, action games, survival games, etc. It is certainly a great place to find games.
Platforms:Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and drivers
Download Games from Softpedia Website
- Can be downloaded directly in it, no need to download additional software.
- The games are reasonably priced and there is a free games section.
- The site has not been updated in recent years.
- There is no automatic update setting for games.
Ocean of Games

Ocean of Games
Ocean of Games is a completely free game download page. But there are plenty of games including Adventure, Fighting, Puzzle, Racing, War, Mystery, and dozens more. There are even some very popular games:Sims 4 Fitness Stuff, Assassin’s Creed, and Star Wars:Battlefront.
Platforms:Mac, Windows, and Linux
Download Games from Ocean of Games Website
- Provides a forum for players to communicate.
- Both single-player and multiplayer games are supported.
- Direct downloads are fast.
- Some game versions are not the latest.
- Forum chaos is unmanaged. offers all the games available for free download. Every day there is a game recommendation. You can find many classic games such as Tetris, Pacman, and Bomberman. But unfortunately, according to the website, it was taken offline after the death of Rudy Versele (the developer).
Platforms:OS X and Windows
Download Games from Website
- Large library of games.
- Offers both 2D and 3D gaming experiences.
- Customized search is easy for players to find.
- The game interface is a bit cluttered.
- No new games were updated as the site went offline in 2010.
Home of the Underdogs

Home of the Underdogs
Home of the Underdogs allows users to acquire some discarded software for collection. The best feature is that it gives a very detailed review of each game. This allows players to decide whether or not to download. However, the platform will only offer download links.
Platform:DOS or Microsoft Windows
Download Games from Home of the Underdogs Website
- Over 5,300 game reviews are available.
- Software and manuals are provided for download for some games that are no longer commercially available.
- The community offers multi-platform communication, which is very helpful for players to communicate.
- Cannot be downloaded directly.
- Security questioned by Google.
Skidrow &Reloaded

Skidrow Reloaded
Skidrow &Reloaded offers players the possibility to download many of the latest games in full version. However, it does not support direct downloads within the website, it only offers download links, which makes the site even more legal. The site is very active and is constantly being updated. The main work is Sekiro.
Download Games from Skidrow &Reloaded Website
- Players can request games.
- Updates are frequent.
- Not a lot of content except for PC games.
- No player forum.

Abandonia, a sister project of Reloaded, is a website where you can download thousands of games, especially retro games, for free. It offers a wide range of games including Action, Strategy, Adventure, RPG, etc.
Download Games from Abandonia Website
- Lots of free games.
- A leading site focusing on the abandonware collection.
- Downloading games requires a custom donation.
- Mostly older games.
Take Game

Take Game
Take Game offers a large selection of computer games including classic and popular games. You can download these games for free. They have all been tested before release to ensure that they work properly on Windows.
Platforms:Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad
Download Games from Take Game Website
- A large variety of games.
- Constantly updated.
- Suitable for players of all ages.
- Ads within the pages.
- Interface too confusing.

MMOGames is a game site that offers a wide range of games including Fantasy, Racing, Horror, Shooter, and more. It only provides links to downloadable games and the page does not show the pricing of the games.
Download Games from Website
- Added community and social features.
- Multiplayer online games.
- Not convenient for players to download games.
- Pages are a little slow to load.
PC Games Download Site:FAQs
What is the best place to download PC games for free?
The best websites to download free PC games include:
- Blizzard
- Epic Games Store
- Jolt
, and you can find 20+ more free options from this list of best websites to download PC games.
How to choose a best PC game download website?
There are many criteria for choosing the best PC game downloading websites for yourself:the desired games should be free or cost-effective; the interface should be easy to use; it should have social features; the download speed should be fast; and the download should be safe and installable.
What’s the benefit of downloading PC games from websites?
There are many benefits of downloading games from websites on your PC, for example,
- you don’t have to install the software for the game store platform;
- gaming websites have a lot more computer game options;
- it saves money downloading games from websites.
However, the downside is also obvious, the potential security risks. So you’re recommended to try the trusted game download websites introduced in this post.
What’s the safest website to download PC games?
The safest and most trusted game store platforms include Blizzard, Epic, Steam, and more. When using these websites, the game downloading experience is safe and secured, but the provided games are not all free.
Where to download PC games highly compressed?
There are some game downloading websites that specialize in highly-compressed games such as thepcgames, pcgameshighlycompressed, wepcgamer, etc. However, popular game downloading platforms like Steam, G2A, Origin already offers game installation package in optimal file size, and it’s safer using them.
Where to download PC games for free full version?
If you search for free full version PC games download on Google, you’ll find many websites for this, yet it’s not recommended to download free full version of a paid game, as it’s not safe or legal. There’s a much higher risk of viruses and malware in free full version game and crack versions download, so be careful. Please use the legal websites recommended in this list.
Games are almost an integral part of life for the general public. When you feel that life is too stressful, games can transport you to another time and space. The immersive experience can be a total pleasure for you. And if you’re lucky, you can make lots of like-minded friends through gaming. That’s a great bonus. (But don’t get addicted to the game!)
If you need to record your gameplay, you can try our free screen recorder to the right. For any other questions or insights on game downloading websites for PC, please leave us a message in the comment section below.
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